
I have a pretty good idea as to why he listened to her—listening to her talk to the interviewer, it's pretty obvious that she projects this absolutely remarkable sense of gentle calm. Every once in awhile I meet someone with a gentle soul like that. Everyone seems to know it when they see it. My dad's a little like

I want to point out it wasn't just awesomeness, it was empathy. That is something missing from these discussions about violence. What happens to people who decide to do something so terrible ? We as a society have failed them somehow and they are left without hope. So hopeless in fact that a sliver of decency, of

I have an answer to this, but I don't wanna deal with the massive trollfest it'll start.

Hey wait a second. You just made me ask myself: Have we ever heard of a woman, or a non white male, shooting up a school or a movie theater or his own entire family? Have we? What the heck is happening?

I'd like to throw her a parade, send her on vacation, give her an obscene amount of money, and anything else that a real, awesome hero deserves. Well done, Ms. Tuff! A grateful nation salutes you!

Disclaimer: please understand that nothing I'm about to say is meant to diminish her actions, which are heroic and brave beyond anything I can imagine.

Hand me my wallet.

It's the one that says "Bad Motherfucker" on it.

Kudos to this woman for her bravery. :)

Blue Moon = telepathic stalker

Motion-activated sprinklers. They work perfectly.

So what causes the smell after the snow first melts in the spring?

No, this is definitely not okay. Not even a little bit. It is not something we should make light of or laugh about. It might be true that once you send someone a picture, they can do all sorts of things with it without your permission or knowledge, but just because something is possible does not make it acceptable.

Since I have been married a long time and my dating period predates these fancy camera phones, I need to ask, at what point in the social media dating ritual process does one receive the dick pic (or boob/vag pic)?

I have repeated told my wife that I want the cheapest possible thing done with my body after I die. Bury me in a cardboard box in the clothes I die in, cremate me, sell me to the highest bidder, whatever. Spending money on a fancy funeral, coffin, etc. is just plain fucking stupid.

Back in my childhood days (before anyone had a PC in their house), my dad bought me a life size inflatable Buck Rogers remote-controlled Twiki. After assembling and blowing it up, he took the controls and immediately made the robot attack him, as he cried for help from me. I ran out of the house screaming.

This is.... really sad. Why is this any of our business? I like gossip just as much as the next person but I just think there are alot of aspects of a persons life that shouldn't be sensationalized in the media like this. Unless these types of 'outings' are going to help the person get help then why do we need to

A project so secret even the character in the trailer has to have its mouth sown....hmmm.

Now playing

What begins at the water shall end there, and what ends there shall once more begin...

There are few things worse on the Internet than people who comment not to give an informed or thought out opinion, or even to pile on excessive amounts of abuse, but to tell the world they don't care. Screaming "I DON'T CARE" into the void, as if anybody should care about that? Why should anyone be anything but

I can't even re-imagine anything without all this grit nowadays!