
Well, he did get a donut out of the deal....

I dunno...used to know a serious, serious Christian extremist who believed that dinosaurs and ALL fossils were put here by Satan. This would be a perfect fit with her worldview!

That was my reaction, too. I was considering having this done, earlier this year, but found out that the other kind with the little plastic insert is no longer available. Metal springs corked into my tubes? Nope, nope, nope!

We made paper lanterns like this once in grade school...

Shiny, shiny beads. Patina-ed metalwork. Wirework. Either that, or something with women fixing stuff, with tools- and NOT in some kind of douchey car-mag "poses", but actually repairing irrigation pipes or doing drywall or fixing their own cars or something. Oh, wait, that doesn't actually exist yet, does it?

S'ok, I love it both times! I lack the skills to do that, so I'm just plain tickled. Thanks so much, that's great!

Eeeeee! *Claps hands energetically* Thank you! :D

Yep. I am one of the migraine folks, complete with visual disturbances- halo-ing and the little twitchy-looking things. What's fun is finding out, by accident, that something that's ostensibly the "regular" version of a soda or the like contains artificial sweeteners right alongside the corn syrup and sugar. This

Can anyone change that to "Are you my mommy?"

This makes a Smart look HUGE....

I concur, about SHIELD. It was a helluva lot better than I expected, and the dialogue was ten-shit-tons better than 98% of the TV shows I've seen in the past few years. Also, the many, many-many hints of interesting plot twists to come (such as the bit about Coulson)... There's a lot of potential there.

This show is like TV-based crack- but I have to admit, I almost look forward to your take on it, even MORE than the actual show itself!

Feed not the Troll, lest it should grow larger and more hideous....

Sooo...the UK's now part of Florida?

Thank you. I am not in government, myself, but have observed exactly the same thing, with my legislators, both on a state and national level. It really does appear to come down to how many handouts a politician can get from corporations, and the hot-button bait-n-switch goes on and on. Our local media is totally

Mmmph. It's because I'm lazy. That's why.

Is it bad that all I could think was, "Could these gals' outfits possibly be MORE impractical for a job through the woods?"

Best of luck. A PAP turned those up for me one time, too- scary as hell.

Actually, raw pineapple has a bunch of enzymes that break down proteins- the reason that they're so useful in marinades. Canned pineapple doesn't have 'em, thanks to the heat in the canning process. Some folks are sensitive to it, but it sounds like it can be overcome! Good on you- fresh pineapple's soooo goooood.