
Wow, I didn't know that! Thank you! Agreed about the process, though. And LaserKitten's pic looks about how I'd guessed the real thing would turn out....

And the link comes with terrible malware, too. :/

Oh, don't worry. They're not real. Most commercial food pics do not contain actual food. Food pics are an art, imitating an unreality which will never actually happen.

THANK YOU. I was sitting here thinking, "Huh. They all look like stylized ladyparts...wonder if I'm the only one thinking that...?"

That's where the barnacle got torn off. By a meteor or something. (I swear, that's exactly what it looks like!)

Um, someone tried the ol' magnet argument with me, back in the '90's. I countered with my usual....

Um, I'd be more than content to just snuggle with Mr. Skarsgard...takin' a pass on Prince Harry.

I know, I just hurts sometimes that I can't. Just with my own eyes and stuff.

One of the most frustrating things about being human: we can't see this stuff without technological help.

You, my dear, just won the Internets.

Thank you, this was really interesting. Timely, too- seems that many portions of the political spectrum still use this pattern of logic, judging from the news....

So...magic is still magical?

It would be even funnier if they tried this on a friend of mine...she's a black belt in a few of the martial disciplines. THAT would be a barrel of laughs!

Agreed! I've sat thru much, much worse....

They will leave only your jewelry and your teeth behind. And they might take those, too, because they're shiny.

I used to have a lampshade like this.

Uh, wait a minute- looks to me like she wasn't paying attention, but her HUSBAND took advantage of the stopped schoolbus and cut in, too- who's the REAL a-hole here?

It might be due to the fact that women weren't really embracing their Inner Bitch yet- yeah, there were feminists, but individual progress varied greatly during that era. It was smart marketing- the women are attractive, but obviously taking no shit from anybody, judging by their body language, and pretty obviously

Um, well, as a former smoker, and now a vaper...yeah, I probably would've gone for this in my 20's. I use a USB hookah for my ecig now, most of the time, so I can see where there might be a market for this. (Looks shamefaced and slinks away...)

Oh no, another seizure coming on...