
Cat: "Yeah, *I* have to wear the costume and Roomba-surf all over the place, and what do I get? An offer of CORN. Effin' CORN. And the damned DOG gets kissed! You are sooo gonna find a surprise on your pillow tonight..."

Agreed- dresses ARE great when it's hot out. But I'm glad to have choices. Something tells me that I *might* not have done so well in earlier eras....

Don't forget about dresses and skirts...the Church pushed that for a reason, too. Icky.

The Gene Wilder-era Oompa Loompas, or the new ones? Because if it's the new ones, then it's ALSO racist against Indians!

*Giggle* One would think that he'd just take a note from Boehner- get the orangey spray stuff instead!

I think my brain just melted.

Yes. That, EXACTLY.

There's a vast difference between being skinny, and being healthy and/or fit. I've been both- so don't try to play that card, son. When I was modeling, I didn't dare try to do any kind of a workout- gaining even a tiny amount of muscle bulk would put me over a size 3. It was extremely unhealthy. Now, at 5'8" or

That fellow in shorts (sans shirt) is one tough mutha- do you have any idea how badly those kinds of hailstones STING?!

Tractorchick here...I'll do ya one better. I'll run 'em over while wearing my $13 Kirkland men's 34/34 jeans. (BTW, in women's sizes, that translates to about a women's 14- but I could just as easily wear one of my size 16 Jones New York dresses from the Ross, to do the job.)

Speaking as a woman who has been stalked, I find this appalling. Absolutely sick to my stomach.

And decent hand lotion. Not that it'll matter. They'll either make me work at Jezebel's (not the good one!), or put me to work at a polluted site in the hopes that I'll die... some of us would just be poor Auntie material.

Ah, but it's ever so much more lucrative....

Ha ha! Got the 6th place in the "holds" line thru the library!

I made it through! God, that was a strange book. I was 15, and still feel bitter about how inconclusive the ending was!

Wowsers. This is right up there with all of the recent bridezilla stories! Self-involved douchebaggery-to-be-continued, right thar. God help their child.

Did anyone else think, "Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto", at 1:03? And wasn't that Voldemort in the yellow outfit, there at the end...? (Sorry, slow day at work...)

Oh thank God! I thought I was the only person on the planet who thought it was...well, ugly as homemade sin! It's like the Summer's Eve of dresses!

These sorts of dresses were the reason that the alternative fashions of the era were so over-the-top- it seemed like your only choices were either to be a perfect little grownup (somebody's secretary-in-training), or...well, look up a buncha music videos from that time, and you'll see what I mean. It was a weird