
That's wonderful, that you do that! They really are a great breed. They're misunderstood.

Looks like a Rottweiler, maybe a mix? They're really great dogs!

An eighth, if they're more like an acquaintance or coworker, up to an ounce or two if there's real heartfelt love there. Not that I'd have the faintest idea who to score from, of course.

Sooo...we'll be a major producer, but all of the new jobs, etc. won't actually matter, since nobody will be able to live here, what with poisoned water and the air being toxic, plus all of the other goodies that go along with it.

Um, what about all of that awful "African" crap in fashion over the years....? How do we apply this to non-Native American cultural appropriation? And how the hell are we supposed to KNOW? Seems like the fashion industry cheerfully kypes motifs from all kinds of cultures, including Scandinavian, western and eastern

Actually, someone *kinda* did just that- read "Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything" by Steven Leavitt and Stephen J. Dubner- they posit that there were major changes in the national crime rate more or less as a result of Roe v. Wade, and have some very interesting numbers to back

Um, does anyone see the irony in the fact that this was Victoria's Secret pulling this stunt? I mean, really. That getup is MUCH more Fredrick's of Hollywood, if you know what I mean....

Reminds me of a local scourge, the Goathead- the horned plates look like the little bits that keep eating my bicycle tires. Of the two, I think I'd prefer to have the dino.

Da Hubs insists on giving out full-sized candy bars every year, which I'm OK with. Kids in our neck of the woods tend towards the skinny side (so no guilt), and they LOVE it. Bonus: our house never, never, NEVER gets egged, TP'd, or otherwise defaced- when teens come to the door, they get candy, too. It's a PR thing,

As inProduction said, there ARE a lot of shades in-between- there's Jack Mormons, Whiskey-Drinkin' and Beer-Drinkin' Mormons, and the ever-popular "inactive members" of the church- they just don't participate, and often have an inordinate affection for coffee. There's also the Recovering Mormons (very similar to

As usual, you hit it right on its ugly, bigoted little head. I grew up in an area, for example, where most of the Caucasians had some serious biases against the First Nations folks (mainly because they had better fishing rights). I wouldn't give a plugged nickel for said tribes' chances, if they didn't have federally

Yep. There's a reason that the phrase, "He's a queer duck" came about.

Congratulations! And thank you for choosing to use your powers for Good, and not Evil!

I curtsy in your direction, WillaCatheter! I've not seen such brilliant logic since, uh...oh yeah, the one about God torturing Job because he loved him so very, very much! (Yeah, that was the one that led me away from the Church at the tender age of 9....) Thou art brilliant!

Thinkin' that Robert Downey, Jr., would make a good Diderot....

Wow! Hadn't thought about that aspect of it- great point!

Actually, it can be very damaging, in the military environment. Think about it: a general fools around with say, a sargeant's wife. This causes stresses within the ranks, not just between the immediately affected parties- this is a small community of people under a great deal of pressure, and the effects of "he

No, not at all- I think, to a certain degree, it *was* about comparative religion, but even moreso about the nature of reality and how morality and ethics tie into that- both themes were really, really strong.

I've had a similar thought about Christian pop music, as well- seems like you could swap the name of ANY woman or man into the lyrics, in the place of "Jesus", and you'd have a bunch of really frightening, stalker-y love ballads. Just sayin'.

We had a similar experience at a wildlife rehab that I used to volunteer at, except in our case, he was a baby Stellar's jay- he was a loopy little thing, and as far as I know, he's still at the center- he never did fly well enough to consider releasing him, plus his quirky personality made him an ideal candidate for