
Thank you! It's good to know that there are people like you out there! There are days that the world just feels so empty of goodness. But not today.

*Grinning evilly* Imagine, if you will, human women and girls, suddenly being capable of (or cursed with) parthenogenesis? And just how *would* they deal with the issue of abortion THEN? Can you imagine- all of their little Honey Boo Boo's suddenly, spontaneously getting knocked up? Only so many virgin births are

Meth also causes a nasty type of cystic acne in a lot of people- you can "spot the tweaker" by the boils on their faces and other exposed skin. They eventually can get a sort of leaden skin tone, almost steel grey, too- it's really horrible. And they tend to loose their teeth, as well. It's ugly, all the way around.

I find it disturbing that Jezebel is the only place that I can find out ANYTHING recent about this case- I *live* in Idaho, and can't seem to locate anything on the ruling in the local news. Thank you for keeping us informed, Erin!

Yup. Ever notice that their shaving cream is about a thousand percent better than the "just for lady-beings"? I don't care HOW manly my damned legs smell afterwards- beats the hell out of dying the death of the thousand cuts!

Yes. Just yes.

It's all good. I wish you luck in your work- change is always so slow.

Even the fey cannot withstand the jellyfish.

Yep, you hit that right on the head! We're more or less surrounded by fires right now, plus getting the smoke from CA, WA, and OR as well, depending on the day. I understand your frustration- guessing that you work in emergency services? And I completely get what you're saying, now. I'm in the Treasure Valley, in

Lindy, I love you for that first paragraph. Thank you.

Oh, we do that here. A lot. And we're surrounded by wildfires, in the valley where I live. The irony is, we're not in a drought over here in the West- that's in the midwest and the East. In fact, we had an unusually wet spring, here in the intermountain states, and the Pacific Northwest flooded all to hell, too, from

Not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but the "Vampires Suck" grafitti? That was a nod to the 2010 spoof movie. Not a great movie, mind, but the spirit of the thing is what counts here. Love that self-deprecating thing!

How sweet. And they didn't even have the good drugs yet....

OMG you just made me blow icewater out of my nose! (Was especially amusing due to my being employed by a company owned by a devoutly LDS person.)

Oooo. Not a great party favor, that- hope it missed ALL of the children in your wedding party! I struggled on for over a week, closer to two- even tried to go to work. When the bleeding got bad enough, and I couldn't keep upright for more than a few minutes anymore, I gave up. I really honestly thought that it was

No, we cut it off at the pass, so to speak, although I was bleeding internally by the time that I finally went to the hospital. Thought I could tough it out, but boy, was I wrong! Spent a terrifying week+ in an isolation room, terrified that my kids were going to be next, and fairly certain that they were going to

Thank you! I curtsy in your direction. And feel a similar unhappiness regarding E. coli. 'Specially since one of those travelin', visitin' types of E. coli very nearly killed me a little over a year ago. Don't you just hate it when scientists are wrong?

*Giggle* Don't underestimate the "hugginess" of the hetero male! I've heard, time and again, from my husband's friends and family that they were SURE that he was gay...until we got together. He's not gay, just stubborn. He simply refuses to not be who he is- and so he hugs, freaking people out mildly some of the time.

Actually, no, the types of genetic engineering that you're referring to are not the same. Even geneticists are alarmed at the ways in which GMO foods and nutraceuticals are being produced, because with direct genetic manipulation, the side effects can't be forseen- it's not a "clean" science, because it's not evolved