
Women of Michigan, I have some advice for you: get these pricks out of office as soon as you legally and non-violently can. Idaho's legislature started some of the same sh*t with us, and quickly backed down when even their own lady-friends and wives told 'em it was ridiculous- apparently, your legislators are not

Frightening. The guy standing next to them appears to be my ex-boyfriend when I was 24. What a surprise. Douchebag is as douchebag does.

Whoa! That looks like a fascinating book- going to see if I can place a hold at the library right now. Thanks!

Wow, that makes perfect sense! And the "social disorders" part of it would never have been apparent, back then- most people never travelled much beyond the outskirts of their town or farms, so the high-pressure socialization that we have now is really not "normal" over the span of time- what a brilliant insight!

Thanks for the suggestion- just popped a hold on it at the local library- only 2nd in line, hahaa! Maybe io9 should have a "reading suggestions" permanent thread...?

I felt the same way- I liked his contrasting of the religious opinions of his characters. They hurt each other's feelings from time to time, but not in purely evil or selfish ways. I also enjoyed the way that he portrayed the viewpoints of the different generations- it was very realistic, not the vague way that these

Oh, very nice! Thanks!

Sing it, sistah! You're preachin' to the choir!

I'm withya! 41, and lovin' life- my thirties, despite some train wrecks that were not age-related, ROCKED all over my twenties, and I expect that this decade is going to be even better. Less tethered to the silly priorities of my younger self. Less afraid. And much, much more powerful and strong inside!

Yep! It's why I married one, not a mundane- much more fun to play with, due to being better-read on the subject- he knows tricks that I can't even elucidate. And now, years later, with the fires calmed down a bit, he's a helluva lot more fun to play trivia games with, too, than any of my prior options. Companionship,

Thanks! Yours is great too! They may have to start a JezeFarm for us- is there a feminist/humanist ag community yet?

Every six months, a new finding: cheese is good for you. Cheese is bad for you. Cheese is good for you. Cheese is bad for you. And so on.

Some o' that, some decent blues...can I dibs a 'rita with a cherry rum floater? Tacky, I know, but hey, if you're going to hell anyway....

*Giggle* Best hope it ain't LDS heaven- you'll get the crappiest housing, probably a quad-plex with backslidin', 10-kids-each families for neighbors!

I think you have to wear glittery red shoes, and click the heels while you do that, ala Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.

I know, right? You know they're gonna have the best music. It'll be like Studio 54, but better.

Thanks. This, and finding out that my cousins in Aurora are OK (they didn't go to THAT showing!), has made the day easier to take.

Excellent. My friends and I have hashed over the whole pinkwashing thing, time and again, and have decided to reject anything that is Pepto-colored, whether it's for our daughters, or for ourselves. ESPECIALLY after that Komen b-s last year! I've only broken that vow once- and that was when my youngest son really,

I think it was the use of the diminutive.

Ya gotta give as good as ya get, right?