

*Sigh* I wipe my own and a number of others', too. See my replies to the other commenters. The fellas that I work with who see me as an equal, intelligent, VALID human being don't get "the treatment"- we work side by side as equals, and that's the way that I prefer to live my life as a whole. The misogynists, the

Where on the internet can we learn about this? This is pretty interesting!

You, sir, are AWESOME. Thank you, that was beautiful!

Joking, but not- see my reply to gbsfgbfg- when faced with misogyny, I work with people on the terms that they understand. It's like when someone talks to you as though you're less than the intelligent, wonderful person that you are, and at first, it pisses you off. Then, you use the "farmer's trick", and speak back

Not at all! I have the utmost professional respect for all of my colleagues, male and female. However, there *are* some that do not extend the same courtesy- this being a heavy-equipment operation, and being an agricultural state with a heavy dose of redneck-ism, we have our own special brands of sexists, particularly

Thanks! It pays the bills, and allows my husband to be an at-home parent- good all around!

I'd like to add: Lifting heavy objects when you're moving house- they're mighty handy for that, what with their upper body strength and all. Also, who can we con, with the batting of eyelashes and all of that to get stuff done for us? (I don't care, BTW, if that sounds anti-feminist- it's not. I work in a tractor

The puppies help some, but, agreed on the general internet thing. BTW, I've seen some of your comments today- you didn't deserve whatcha got, either. Hope tomorrow's better.

Ah, Stimpy moved over to your place, eh?

Aha! Guess I live under a rock....

What is "brain-hanging"? I am unfamiliar with this term.....

Oh heavens, the fun extends beyond that...I used to live along the Canadian border, so we had a large Border Patrol presence. They kept trying to pick up some of my co-workers who were...wait for it....EAST Indian. Rana, Gurninder, and Avtar so very, very did NOT look Hispanic, or First Nations. What exacerbated the

paddlepickle2: *You* are awesome! I declare this to be the BEST Cliff's Notes comment EVAH!

I'm with ya. I kinda almost wish I'd had the tute that time my ex bashed my face up with a telephone....

I agree. I would love love LOVE to award this guy, on behalf of all womanhood, somehow- maybe some sort of Righteous Man or Righteous Male Award...? (But not Righteous Dude Award. Sounds to "bro"ish!)

I find those more disturbing than the purse, truth be told. *Shudders*

Nicely done, very nicely done!

My family, too! I've been scrabbling for the last couple of years- even though my boys and hubby are, you know, not vagina'd individuals, this is going to help me and mine a great deal. Especially the pre-existing B.S. going away- yay!

Here's my 2 cents: Leave your options open. Really, you don't have to decide months in advance that you're definitely going to have a "natural" or "unnatural" labor. As they say in the "Girlfriend" guides, there ain't gonna be anyone handing out prizes for suffering, at the end of the haul. When I had my first baby,