
Maybe you should- they might be comforted to know that they're not the only ones. It can be very isolating, living in a house where stuff like this happens. Or, alternately, they may look at you like you're a nutcase, but if so, no big deal, right?

Is Ambien the new drug of choice for models...?

I hear ya. Lived in a couple of places, including my current residence, that had stuff like that going on, including one place where "it" liked to steal keys, and hide them in the cabinet OVER the 'fridge. It's like having a bad-mannered room mate who won't talk to you! And "ghost" is the only label we *have* for the

Huh! Good on her, and all of the others who were brave and posted pictures. I don't see where any of them were promoting an unhealthy lifestyle- it's not like anyone posed while holding a giant cheeseburger or a jumbo bucket o' fries. And yeah, where does she get those sunglasses? Where'd they get their bikinis, too?

You KNOW that the entertainment at that particular party is gonna beat anything Heaven's got goin' for it!

Me, too. We had collections of my grandparents' Victorian fairy tales, plus every work ever written by Hans Christian Andersen, plus various other children's "instructive tales" from the same era. Dark stuff, but a helluva lot more entertaining than today's "pink-washed" tales! Also gave us a healthy distrust of,

OH yes. That would be marvelous! Could we make it a three-way, throwing in the Westboro Baptist Church in there as a sort of wild-card in the matchup?

Thank you- can't think of a better choice!

Why is it that every time we discover that humans lived alongside of prehistoric animals (or even other hominids), the immediate assumption is that we killed 'em off? Just curious....

That is the most wonderful picture I've seen all day- thank you!

Condolences, from my house to yours, and an Internet cup of tea. My dearest, oldest furbaby passed last year. I am still heartbroken.

Well, you know, here in Idaho, our lawmakers are so concerned that we're all going to just have abortions randomly, one of 'em made that statement about our needing help in deciding whether we've been raped, or if it was the result of normal marital relations...they're on to us. We women just do the craziest things!

Kinda makes you wonder what the next target'll be, dunnit?

@ Erin: In answer to your (probably rhetorical) question: Yes. Most of these lawmakers ARE of that generation. They also got to attend shop class while all of the girls were forced into Home Ec, regardless of welding and tool-wielding ability. And they demonstrate their lack of biological knowledge more and more, as

It's the "coloring hints" that get me.

Wow. That is

Me, too! *Doin' the happy-dance!*

They're talking about methamphetamine, in the article- probably more common in a more rural setting than you're working in. Guessing that you're in a large city? I'm not even sure that we HAVE a methadone clinic in the entire state that I live in- but tweakers? Crank houses? Meth labs? Yeah, got that! I think meth's

Yep. Only now, we've swapped A.N. and the Christian Identity church for the Crotch Nazis! Yay, Idaho! :p

100% agreed. It smacks of neo-feudalism, doesn't it?