
I'm hoping like hell that the Crotch Nazis are shooting themselves in the foot. I'm still inclined to think that they're really just causing themselves grief, in the long run- almost NO ONE that I have heard talking about this is happy with it, and there are a lot of petitions and such floating around to help voice

I hear that when any of them speak, anymore. I liked living here, once- seemed like Idaho was very hands-off and I'll-mind-my-business, you-mind-yours sort of a place. My husband says that THAT'S what true conservatism was about here, once upon a time. Now, it's all being hijacked by this ugly brand of

Two things come to mind here. One, does this mean that we can blame the "trendy" clothing line, No Boundaries (carried exclusively by Walmart!), on Rush? Where do his crimes END...?

All the best to you- I've had a couple of these myownself. You've done right by everyone involved. Now, go do something nice for yourself! :o)

It's actually kind of difficult, and very expensive, to pursue legal action on this stuff. The good news here is, it's sooooo blatant! But I can tell you, as a former handcrafted jewelry designer (with a heavy emphasis on wirework), it can be really hard to go after it. You should see the amazing degree of

I keep thinkin' that if they really wanted to put their money where their collective mouth is, they'd just go one better, and say that it doesn't go far enough, and that the insurers/employers have to cover births! Seems to me that if you're gonna go all ridiculous on this, and give it the grandstanding that they

Callista was the very first Bride of GOP I thought of, reading this article! Cannot describe how very, very happy the thought of the Hair Helmet's demise makes me.....

Rather makes one wonder if there might have been some collaboration and teamwork there...? I've read that sometimes pedophiles and their ilk will do that. A school would be an ideal environment for that kind of thing. Especially a school where the student population is already at a disadvantage.

My dad's idea was better: treestump in a remote part of a wilderness area, said parts nailed to said stump, and a dull, rusty hatchet left for future decision-making by the molester. In truly bad cases, replace hatchet with small, dull, rusty Exacto knife. And walk away. 'Nuff said.

Do you realize what the absolutely most hysterical part of this is? Do ya? The terrorists have won! They've gotten the Repubs to adopt a part of Sharia Law!

The frightening thing is, he's getting traction in surprising places. I live and work in a very, very Republican state, one that was primarily all-in for Romney. However, as time (and the antics) have gone on, I've watched support shift to Santorum, more and more- I can't fathom it. And I am deeply disturbed.

Thank you! Another terrifying aspect to consider. Good job finding that! You are a credit to your gender.

It's boobies with nipples. And after that boobquake incident on FB, we all know how incredibly dangerous boobies are, right?