
You must be so important!

Wow. Speechless.

Or a small Bonnie Franklin.

Do they have a little gay son?!

Yeah, school shootings mess my day up, too. For different reasons but...ya know...

I think the only time I actually laughed at Boy Meets World was when the mom sent Eric on an errand: "Take the money to the bank, make a deposit, come right back." He kept repeating it to himself so he wouldn't forget. Cut to: "Take mommy to see Frank, clean my closet, take a nap."

Boutros Boutros Ghali?

My mom's friend's daughter used to work for a celebrity who was very much like this. Every day of her employment under this celebrity's reign was sheer hell, but she didn't really have a choice since she was behind in her rent and barely scraping by. There were freak-outs over trivial stuff, petty demands for special

"smokes a lot of weed and is known for being difficult by those in the industry."

HAHAHAHA OMG READ MY MIND! Kind of cool how many different age groups all mingle on the same website though.

Reading this I very much felt like someone was calling my asshole brother an asshole. Only I'm allowed to do that.

"You're the cutest girl that I ever did see; the great Larry Bird, jersey 33."

This is very surprising. However, it is smart too. I think I like them.

But they were never on The Golden Girls

When I did the math, it made me want to cry a little bit.

Now playing

I hate this song, because every time it comes on, ALL I want to hear is Show me Love.

Wasn't it played out circa Jane Goodall?

Stop, stop, stop with the chest slapping. Stop it. That shit was played out by Boyz II Men a quarter of a century ago. Find some other way to express that you feel something profoundly.

"Does your chili have beans in it?"