Ricky Gervais' Extras.
Ricky Gervais' Extras.
The fact that she might think that she originated the whole lemons + vodka riff has me questioning her concept of creating, also.
I like it too. But then after watching Hart of Dixie for both seasons, I find myself approving of the name Lemon. What can I say? It suits her.
I stopped following her immediately when the first post I read was one where she said that her *Irish* friend questioned the casting of DDL as Lincoln. No-one, I repeat, nary a sausagey soul, shall question my DannyDay in anything.
It is only a shade better than: Mike and I's; a version of which I have seen twice too often recently.
I'm truly confused why Kelly Oxford repeatedly repeats herself? Does she have a bad memory or does she think we all do?
I am continuously amazed by how many times I've felt strong-armed/rail-roaded into having my picture taken when I have concretely said, "NO."
Though didn't Chrissy Teigen say something similar about shame in general (about the porn-lying Farrah Abraham) and she was vilified?
Oh, see, at first I was thinking the romance novel publishing house/arm. Works too, poss.
I am (not literally actually) sitting on my hands to stop myself from liking Aaron Carter's tweet because I'm not sure I could justify it in a court of law. (I like randomness, but bearhaps not that much to negate the source).
I am also and similarly awaiting this, chin on palm. *genuinely *ginuwinely.
Who the dickens named their child Harley Quinn? And I love you for knowing the Yates/Hutchence/I guess now also Geldof child's name.
You Celined us before you Biebered us, for pity's sakes, I say like an olds.
The marrying of the Nickelback guy negates it all. And then some. And dim sum.
Yeah, you're not wrong. Just sad, seems a bit clingy of us, 'tis all. I like to think that what kicked it all off was Ola! magazine from Spain which became Hello! in UK and so forth. But really I think that the wars at the beginning of this century kicked off a need/desire for these opiates of nonsense celebrity…
Although this two-part question of yours is curious:
She's a Yank, she was just referencing this poem by Philip Larkin, a Brit:
I have new-found love for Phil Collins. I laughed and laughed upon learning that a friend had his posters on her wall as a teen (because really, where did she find them?) But now I almost rather get it.
You are fair, he does capitalise Mango...
My favourite-related tweet was from Tim Carvell (writer on The Daily Show) who said, "I don't mean to snark on Kermit, but there really aren't that many songs about rainbows".