You know what? This looks like fun.
You know what? This looks like fun.
I think it was a bug - seems to be working fine now!
And now comes the news from IGN that further region rollouts have been paused while they figure out how to deal with the server loads.
I have the iPhone6 though - it’s equipped with gyroscope I’m pretty sure. Also, now I can’t log on at all.
I bet I know why the servers are down so often. How many of us are playing it in a country that it hasn’t yet launched in and thus weren’t fully accounted for in terms of server demand? I mean, it got better after the official American launch in America because I assume more servers went online, but noticeably for me…
This is what happens with every majorly hyped online game launch. It’s already fine during non-peak hours, and will stabilize within a couple days.
Cry about it. Gamers are so entitled, I really don’t understand it. Imagine people losing their minds over limited release for a movie. The game will work eventually, it takes a little understanding from both sides. Server issues are not something you can just “fix”. Most of the time you can’t even comment on the…
A lot of people in unauthorized countries are using the workarounds to get access to the game. There is a reason there was a rolling launch and people ignored this. This caused a huge strain on all servers. Im in one on those region locked areas and I refused to use a workaround despite every one of my friends doing…
I wouldn’t be surprised if 100 million people downloaded it the first day. I’m not super upset about the server issues, as I don’t think anyone can be prepared for something of this magnitude.
I think the developer never expect the game to be this popular ... too popular ... and social media make it worst (as every person in the world want to play it) ... not everyone play pokemon game, but almost everyone know about pokemon ... and most of them have smart phone
How long did those Diablo 3 login issues persist? I feel like it was several days minimum.
I understand the server issues. It’s shitty that they can’t handle the traffic, but it happens. This is a huge launch and the number of people interested in this has got to be almost unprecedented for a mobile game. It’s just completely unacceptable that nobody is communicating with us about the issues. Shit happens,…
Change the administrator username to something that does not include “admin” in it.
If you couldn’t answer that question before this article, there’s literally no point in asking it here.
Yep, but at least there is a huge community around it to get you going fast. Other boards like the MSP430 are far more useless as there is very little community around it and TI’s libraries are such a hot mess you can’t really do anything with them.
You clearly have never worked IT support and seen the (lack of) competency that some people have
This is as important a story as Deadspin has ever done. My contempt for Hardy, Jones and Goodell is matched only by my admiration for Diana’s epic reporting.
Cool. I know what i’m doing tomorrow when i’m “working” from home.
Ganja might be used interchangeably with marijuana and other terms, but that doesn't mean there isn't a technical difference.