
You do indeed need to activate it with a mobile device first. However one can get around that with Andy, Bluestacks, Genymotion or any sort of Android emulator or even simply VirtualBox and Android-x86. Just install, add Google Play Services and then install Inbox. Voila.

Not sure why the Corporate or Enterprise versions would be prompted, but they probably sent it out to all editions and have it tell you no once you attempt reservation xD

Unfortunately there is no free upgrade for your key. Enterprise editions must go through the company’s Microsoft Software Assurance program to obtain licenses for Windows 10. The only editions that get the free upgrade are Home, Pro, Ultimate and I believe the small business version. Corporate or Enterprise versions

You do not need that version installed if the machine came with Windows 7 or 8/8.1. It will read the key from the firmware and activate with no problem at all.

Yes. The corporate edition is not eligible for this upgrade. Microsoft stated that those with Corp. who are wishing to upgrade will need to go through their business’ Microsoft Software Assurance program.

Assuming the OS is cracked using a crack such as Windows Loader, no. You will be non-genuine the moment Windows 10 starts.

Wow, this guy is trolling you all pretty hard. Successful troll was successful. Y’know, unless he is actually THAT stupid.

But it’s not. In order for this move to work, they would need to do this exactly how they are. Currently malicious extensions install using the same way every other extension installs outside of the chrome store (either by unpacking into the extensions folder and editing the manifest chrome reads to load extensions,

If your task creates a screen such as a Confirm screen, or anything like that, have each button give a command message, then have your task look at %awmessage for that command and act upon that. It's really simple.

I guess it wouldn't be a very big problem with a small container then, that makes sense. :)

But this also causes you to have to resync the entire encrypted container for changing just one file or adding just one folder. Why not use something like BoxCryptor that individually encrypts files using a variation of encFS (Or even encFS itself for that matter which supports even filename encryption)?

I had meant replacing the pi with the switch. If all you're triggering is a siren and not notifications, would it really be efficient to use only the pi was the question I was really trying to ask. xD

Hmm, good idea, I hadn't thought of that. But do the GPIO pins reset when the Pi does a soft reboot? It seems that this does the same as if you simply had a photosensitive switch on it though

But if you're doing it that way, a photosensitive circuit should be the better way to do it then.

You probably wouldn't be able to do this effectively running any of the Linux distributions due to the startup time. (The person you're attempting to catch would be gone by the time it started the siren.) However I could see this working if you had your own Bare Metal operating system on the Pi to do it.

Especially after the Twilight's Hammer cult forced her consort Korialstraz to sacrifice himself. Poor Life-Binder.

I used to use TrueCrypt but I hated the idea of needing a container to store the encrypted files in since I heavily rely on cloud synchronization. Found BoxCryptor and have been using it since :)

Vote: BoxCryptor

I agree with this, I try to get Lossless or if not lossless, at least the highest quality I can, the quality of the file is definitely the weakest link in the chain and can make all the difference. I use normal consumer Bluetooth headphones and they work great for what I need.

I've been having this problem since I bought my console. There were times that we put it in Sleep, then attempted to pull it back out the next morning and had to manually reset the thing. It got better with the last update (not 2.0) in which we were finally able to turn the thing on even in "Rest Mode". Haven't tried