Here here!
Here here!
Look...a lotta mid sized cities are nearly bankrupt...and if you border a banned state...what would be more American than seizing this opportunity.?Like I mean nobody wants to say become the Atlantic city of abortions and fertility procedures...but it would bank.
Yeah and those same religions believe you can be forgiven if you’re truly regretful so...the only person who knows what evil really lies in the hearts of men is The Shadow
Is it terrible to think that the kids this keeps happening tp should become wards of the state that they’re actually able to get the procedure in because like...returning them is just gonna put them in the position to be harmed again.
I’ve heard rumor it’s all misdirection and Michaela Coel is the new black panther. We shall have to see. I suppose the difference is in Wright having the personal opinion (hella dumb opinion) about vaccines and not aligning herself with any particular organizations whereas Carrano kept digging the pit.
This was the same era where the Elmo-fication of Sesame Street began so it wasn’t all clean cut.
It’s like they never got the memo that not everybody is down to be willfully and actively racist and are surprised at any attempt by individuals to make motions of addressing the matter.
I feel like they’re both enjoyable for different reasons and if we get more fantasy series as a whole out of it, I can enjoy the variety without feeling forced to pit them against each other as our only chance to get a decent fantasy television series.
Yeah it’s almost like this country has a deeply seated racism problem and as history of exploiting that aspect for financial’s almost like that’s a huge problem that we’ve never properly cracked and instead just prefer the lightest tinge of progress
Did you miss the lore behind the Mithrail and that the effing Elf King definitely now knows its in the dwarf mine because he eavesdropped on the Durin and Elrond’s conversation and it’s gonna be on, and also he’s up to something else shady having sent away Galadriel when he definitely knew that the darkness was back?
It did appear to seesaw from the very last episode, but I do think it’s essential to build the doubts that everybody (the characters) have for the inevitable turns that are clearly about to go down so they don’t appear to come out of absolutely nowhere. You still don’t really know where anybody stands securely and its…
I was literally gobsmacked when I came across the idea being toted around that mom’s who give birth through C-sections aren’t real mothers. How! Where! What kinda backwards ass Shakespearean dramatic irony are they living under? You literally had yourself cut open and a whole baby pulled out, it’s not like pulling a…
I know it’s wrong to speculate but it’s the worst sort of fun.
We agree.
Adding to your spectacular statement:
It’s by definition assault, but I won’t rule out the possibility of that dude being emotional manipulative and using that to his advantage it’ll grant him leverage in the divorce to paint her as unstable and make all his shitty behavior seem justifiable. Unfortunate if she was made emotionally overwrought enough to…
I mean, technically most murders are justifiable, but it doesn’t make it okay.
The series is very clear his being a self-pitying and inflexible dick head is why he’s getting this big comeuppance that his enemies have arranged for him. The whole series is about him doling out and undoing all the dickery he’s dealt out over the millennia because he’s a self-righteous asshat, which I dunno is a…
Punk/Goth aesthetic is perhaps the term you were looking for. Either way the endless race swap and gender swap throughout the series which was also hella queer so that probably is who it appealed to back in the day. Death even appear as a classic skeleton in a hood so it’s not the biggest stretch in the world.…
Ditty and grark more like it.