Depends on how stupid durable the dinosaurs are meant to be. Like most of them would become roadkill but the sturdier ones might be the dinosaurs also seem to be a weird horror movie intelligent.
Depends on how stupid durable the dinosaurs are meant to be. Like most of them would become roadkill but the sturdier ones might be the dinosaurs also seem to be a weird horror movie intelligent.
I love how stupid monster movie Fallen gets in the second half. The First Jurassic World was like weirdly mean spirited...and awkward.
I think I was the right age for the Lost World and the worst age for 3 and it’s colored my view ever since. Because I love the Lost World a whole lot and struggle to finish 3. Then again I loved gymnastics and lived in LA and loved raptors so that might’ve heavily played to my bias.
All I wanna know is if this movie fulfills the promise from the stupid awesome Jurassic World 2? Are we gonna get Dinosaurs taking over California?
I think the actress was pregnant some point this season and I dunno who thought putting a pregnant lady in leather was any kind of good idea. Just terrible, they did her wrong.
Seems like they’re strategy is to let us suffer a psycho 4 year period with the republican’s so we gotta crawl back and accept them as the sensible choice despite never securing anything substantial for citizens.
Time to change assembly isn’t gonna cut it in the 21st century as our method anymore.
Look the moral high ground is a shallow hill. I don’t think being more accurate is going to combat the side that sits on the throne of Big Lies. Brought a gun or obtained a gun is a minor detail if you’re not law enforcement on on this case or jury.
I mean you’d think giving a free license for angry white citizens to pull rank up to Martial Law however they want wherever they want in droves would be a bad idea if you wanna...discourage the Klan and fascism in general from taking a stronghold...but then I remember that America is in a constant situationship with…
Or what’s much more likely, they’ll be starting the mayhem and them have the crowd to blame for self-defense...kinda like what actually happened last time with out towners and plain clothes po-po’s out there making graffiti and leaving large mounds of bricks and fireworks around.
Adoption is not the natural balancing force for people’s fertility issues. I know the culture really pushed this as narrative back in the day but it was always stupid and I need people to stop saying it every time somebody wants to have biological children.
They get the legal paperwork straight, I don’t see nothing wrong with it.
Yeah, I’m not a fan because it places everybody else on par with the actual person who is doing the wrong doing...and nawww the wrong doer is the most accountable person, I’m sorry that happened to you but you need to come down hard on your main player there and leave everybody else out of it.
Yeah, Silence as omission only counts if you’re an actual witness or a participant. As a spectator it holds no water. I also argue it’s a sliding scale if you didn’t have the power to affect an outcome one way or the other, in the case of her little sister too. But ehhhh.
Eh, She’s gonna do some wild stuff. And I argue that she did all that anyway because she lacked control to begin with. Like we all know how the sheltered kids act as soon as they’re not being micromanaged anymore by their parents. It’s why college is so dangerous until people figure out how to manage themselves.…
You nailed it.
I already knew he would when the media turned on the protester’s to begin with. That’s the position the Union state has already taken and that was unsurprising to. But they had to try it and they have my respect for putting themselves out on the lines for a worthwhile protest.
My issue is that this case is being used as a victory against our right to protest in general. That to me is the worst part of it, because the Right and hate groups under a similar umbrella are moving against our civil rights and even constitutional rights in such an effective way.
You can make the same argument about them not showing the consequences of the Dominion war in the DS9 finale with everybody just being like...hopefully mirthful...even the young man who’s whole father got sucked into a blackhole.
I agree about the fast pace and explosions not leaving a lotta room for character building, to me its a huge issue that like so many of the crew are just glorified extras so...when the crew is at stake you barely give a shit because all the action characters are not on board the ship and like everybody we care about…