I agree and I think they need to like reveal less to the public in general. Just drop a trailer a week before release and don’t reveal cast lists or character names. Cuts a lotta bitching and pre-conception talk.
I agree and I think they need to like reveal less to the public in general. Just drop a trailer a week before release and don’t reveal cast lists or character names. Cuts a lotta bitching and pre-conception talk.
It’s cool as somebody who doesn’t care for the Mandolorian at all. Or most new Star Wars, I feel your pain. Perhaps the next show will be more your fancy. Since apparently its franchise city from here until the end times.
Ehhh nepotism is high in the business and politics world too...as well as the arts and religious sects. Just saying that message reaches a lot more 40 years old who had their parents buy their house and set up their life then we’d like to openly admit as a culture.
I agree, but I think this whole season is Burnham’s crucible to becoming a captain confident in her own abilities beyond just posturing and showing her record of good grades. Which might’ve been the point of that whole scene to show that despite everything in this particular capacity she’s still basically a novice and…
Everything is meaningless if you can just blow up everybody at any time,
I suspect they’re trying to highlight the president is out of pocket and like...they’re so bad at it.
That’s the disadvantage of the crew having been a science vessel first. The whole crew is insufferable nerds and nobody has a different personality beyond that kid who always had to be the best at everything. Nobody seems to be different from that mold enough to create a more interesting interplay between characters.
I would argue it hits those highs by being absolutely batshit most of the time. I tend to agree about higher highs because none of the other finales hit as hard and were as gratifying as the last few episodes of Voyager. Look I liked the ending of TNG and DS9 too, but literally y’all that was the like 60th time Picard…
That’s an actually good criticism of the Discovery series writing. There isn’t really anything behind the optimism or any strong convictions on ship it does seem like a lot of characters doing the right thing because that’s what you’re supposed to do rather than a conscious choice made through experiences. Which is…
Star Trek has always been so lampshady with the message of their episodes. That’s just the vibe. I guess when its not delivered by Shakespearean trained actors elucidating at each other the saccharine quality pokes out more. But it’s always been there.
YES! To all of this honestly.
Ehhh if you acknowledge its more of an adventure series like the OG series was you’ll enjoy it more. The other series drew more on the more serious and fanciful tone from the OG movies and had to lean more on character work because the budget was limited. So its just different flavors. Really all the series have their…
That’s the truth, but you also have to kinda admit its the fans too that are holding these franchises back by being zealous about canon. Nobody wants to be risky when the penalty is as high as its become.
What pissed me off is one...they brought back old Spock even though we already had perfect closure there so its all annoying and unnecessary to drag him back for it. And two...there is absolutely no reason why Benedict Cumberbatch is Khan. It sucks all the dynamism the character had had up til that point as soon as…
I mean to be fair acceptance of an unwinnable scenario is weak sauce anyway. It’s literally a story device to point out that the humanist ideals of the series call for one to never give up and to keep trying to find alternative means to reach the best scenario. No captain can ever accept the lesson because they’re…
Sure, why not.
You’re right about the background checks, but there’s also an attitude about teenagers in the workplace that kinda makes this whole thing possible. And it’s weird to describe but it comes down to treating them like non-people and treating that like its a normal part of working life to just go along with mistreatment.
It’s a conversation we tend to side step entirely in black history and it’s tale as old as time. The New England black folks who can trace their roots to the few free black families in a America has always had this snobbery and permanent light-skinnedness through selective bredding (Paper-bag Tests being the big…
Books are everywhere in small stacks on counters and tables as I read them bit by bit, the ones I reference often are in the bedroom and office, casual reads in the living room newspaper basket and stand near the couch. Something silly to read in the bathroom on top of the second larger trash can.
It is ridiculous, but physical possessions are comforting and I dunno if its worthwhile to reject that just because it is a comfort. What do we get by being hyper-sensible? Who is the robot you’re becoming for, ya know? I think there’s a fear of revealing ourselves to have any personality at all no matter how…