
Weak sauce! If you Brits hate them so much how come they’ve still got their heads? You took em back, at least the French and the Russians got weird with it before settling up. Barely got pass a decade before you lot were gagging for a constitutional’ll be different this time we don’t believe god makes

Not to mention they definitely impersonate the police, are possibly just opportunists, and seriously threaten to like harm the kid in movie.

750, 000 a year and up. I think at that range you hit the bottom end of the haute bourgeoisie Which would be the salary of your investment bankers and minor industrialists. That’s when you start hitting the bottom end of wealthy. Tradesmen and white collar workers seem rich to working class people only because the

750,000 per year probably.

So, basically the creators of this new movie did a bad pop culture read of meme’s sympathizing with the Wet Bandits in the OG series, that they basically wanted the same sympathy this time around and forgot to do what even the terrible other sequels and knock offs of Home Alone manage to do which is frame things from

I mean I guess the title is a presumption of the overall audience perspective on the subject. Because you know rich kids grow up to be dicks who undermine a comfortable way of living for everybody else...and that if we taxed a certain generation more back when...we wouldn’t be in the trouble we’re in right now. That’s

I mean you can only do so much reporting...they remade a thing you liked as a kid and somehow made it even worst without going into detail as  to why one feels that way.

Yes, I’m sure this mostly freelance writer with a barely there staff writing contract is just sitting on fat stacks and throwing crumbs at the less fortunate from her crystal palace. Give back the means of production Katie Rife, you blackguard robber baron!

Any law case that requires necromancy is pretty choice to be honest.

There’s a bizarre schadenfreude when a figure you merely thought was annoying for reasons reveals themselves to actually be a not very great individual. It’s bad, but it’s also so good feeling, like confirmation bias served to you by the universe. 

Yeah, it really makes you hope that the author’s on the nose hyper-literalism never comes out in other more unsavory ways.

I would say this is the big gap between book Hermione and Ron and movie Hermione and Ron rearing its head. Like the book is way more self aware when certain characters are being awesome or annoying but movie translation is purely Hermione is the bestest ever and Ron is a doo doo friend why do they keep him?

Yeah its very specifically the kinda game that children would never play. Because one kids are obsessed with fairness and a game that can be overturned despite your effort with one move would instantly cause anarchy of any kid you’d try to convince to play.

I would definitely put her more as somebody who was more inspired by like other more recent at the time writers from the 80's/90's like Susan Cooper, Dianna Wynn Jones, and Jill Murphy. And other school story novel’s like St. Trininan’s and the like for tone. Although she never would’ve admitted that if you were of a

The bottom half of the series really does feel different then the middle parts and I think it’s because she was trying to get it to work with the ending she already pre-planned instead of adjusting to the tone that developed in writing which is also why the epilogue is such a WTF moment to.

It’s the same appeal that the TV show Game of Thrones has too honestly. Fantasy Light + something else audiences really like.

This to me highlights whats actually so great about music and movies and why I loathe snobs of both sorts in general, because we live in this era where things don’t really go away younger people can just re-discover how great things from the past are. As a kid who was a teen in the early aughts getting into folk music

I dunno if black culture in America can be called a true matriarchy, like a matriarchy formed by an expectation of abandonment does not a respected position make. You’re expected to suffer and make it all work and not be worth any of the softness or ease. I’ve heard just as many people deriding and resenting the black

A lot of the gains from feminism are purely superficial and a lot of that white lady privilege depends on remaining on the top of the worth desiring/worth protecting pyramid for men and on that dumb ass scale other women are always a threat because to go down to equal with one you’ve been raised to hold as inferior

Transfer that to every other “fear” they’re claiming to have about “Insert group here”. They’re not worried about us. They’re worried because they didn’t do what they was supposed to get done during the second wave and now other groups are like yo can we get some rights and they’re worried about losing the dumb shit