
Megan Markle don’t hate her blackness...she had her whole ass mama up front and center the whole time in front of the white supremacy trademark headquarters or the Royal Family as other’s like to call them. She’s just not pretending she’s all black because she mixed and that’s a legit experience.

Considering the racial dynamics this is one of those rare times when two differing opinions can both be right.

Well that’s because according to the politics of whiteness you literally can never be white enough, and I think we kinda have to acknowledge that everybody experiences this to a degree more than focusing on who does Daddy love more. (Daddy is both Capitalism and Western Ideology here ) When the truth is Daddy doesn’t

I have had the same thought of what happens when we reach this so called promise land. If we’re equal are we still the African Americans? Or are we just Americans or individuals or whatever. And I feel like the answer is I’d like to find out, but perhaps it might be lonely.

I too am mad suspicious of Netflix’s mixed girl’s only black representation in shows and how they never show loving mixed relationships. Netflix wants representation points without doing the work from and they’re screwing over black folks and mixed folks who could probably use the rep that their situation is normal.

Considering we have never established full rights for every citizen without caveats in America. No dice. Meritocracy has a lot of people believing there’s more progress than there actually is, just because they made it or their parents did. Without a real belief in the legitimacy of the Americaness of POC citizens

My question is are we ever gonna be able to not play one-drop racial mathematics as long as race is a serious factor of classification? Because like being transcendent in the mind is one thing up until you gotta fuck with other people and institutions and how they classify you.

Same, I’m in the high yellow, Two black parents unambiguously black club.

You know if you got even a bit of black you’re gonna catch a case to prove your blackness no matter what you do or how you go about it. It’s just the culture of blackness in America in general.

This conversation is always good to be having and my take is that whether mixed people identify as black or mixed they’re basically right. I think African-American Black people should just cop to being mixed race anyway like stop acting like blackness works on the same purity politics as whiteness. We don’t have try

I’m very weird. I’ll admit to it.

If he can eat no fat and marries a girl who can eat nothing lean, then between them they’ll lick a platter clean.

Very well, I think we can all admit. We are all going to mourn the loss of this attractive stranger when she enters into a commitment with a person who knows her.

Yick, it does have that vibe. Plus the church bits.

I believe the title is implying that it is the lesbians who will mourn the loss of KStew not that she is one. But it is kinda insensitive to the bisexuals and pansexual who also will thirst mourn KStew. Most insensitive.

Yeah that’s basically it. They wanna undermine all public institutions force privatization so they can control the flow of knowledge and re-write history, so that all the lower classes are beholden to them for everything and then we’ll basically all be serfs. I mean some of them wanna go to space so I assume they

Considering how good they’ve been at undermining public institutions on a national level we should probably be a bit more concerned.

Yeah, probably should crush the hydra instead of just cutting the heads. I mean I guess if they do that they’ll have no justification to use all cool military grade tech and weapons. Can’t fight a war that way.

Looks dope and intensely sad. I’ll probably watch at least two episodes to see if it’s worthwhile. I like the climate stuff more and you know artful decay punk than another mysterious pandemic caused by nothing in particular. I sort of also wish these things weren’t so rumination heavy and like had more of a survival

Netflix updated the page credits not credits in movie or series prior to the change. They use the current name on all their page credits and always have. Netflix volunteered to do it mostly to garner representation points which is what cynical corporate entities do. Elliot Page didn’t twist their arm to do it. So