The US is full of weirdos that falsely believe that Socialism is bad yet these same idiots watch FuxNews where Tucker Carlson tells them that he has no problem with Russia invading the Ukraine and would be ok with Putin bringing back the Soviet Union.
I am a little disappointed you didn’t try Rao’s I would have loved to see how they fared against the others.
Have you tried Rao’s? It’s the recipes from the original NY establishment, which is supposedly one of the toughest reservations to get in the world.
It was fun laughing about this until it struck me that there are literally tens of millions of people for whom this is some real, no-bullshit, truth bomb cinema, then I just got sad.
I think this was an attempt by his campaign to show that even though he is as old as the hills, he is still spry. Which frankly was a good move given that talk of Biden’s dementia is at the forefront. When you are in your 70's, you got to demonstrate that you still have the stamina to tackle the responsibilities of…
In a privately paid for, non-taxpayer-funded stadium.
White inferiority at its finest.
Of all people, you’re surprised that this guy abstains from being a swinger when he encounters another dude in an unfamiliar position?
At least all those people who decided to skip voting in 2016 because Hillary wasn’t inspiring have that sweet, sweet moral high ground to hang out on.
“Donald Trump (and Mitch McConnell) enabled this by selecting two right-wing Catholics to give conservatives a firm majority on the Supreme Court.”
She lost the election. To a fucking nincompoop. She WASN’T inspiring enough.
That’s a common misconception. The words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the constitution. It’s actually based on a misspelling, and supposed to be about keeping churches free from the influence of SABRmetrics and the analytics movement.
Because no one will stop them. That simple.
Am I going fucking crazy or are we supposed to have a separation of church and state in this country? How do these evangelical crazy fucks get away with using God as an argument during political discourse?
It’s a next-level white person power play to go from asking to speak to the manager to getting him fired.
Pope Thrower for Jets GM
Was the “power struggle” a staring contest?
I thought it was a great analogy for climate change because it shows that at this late stage, we’ll only defeat climate change in our fantasy worlds and basically every ruler is a fucking moron.