This is absolutely ridiculous, Barry... no one is ever set at RB.
This is absolutely ridiculous, Barry... no one is ever set at RB.
No Chrono Trigger? Fuck this shit.
You wrote this. You for sure wrote this. This is a thing you wrote. You said, “I will write this,” and no one told you not to, so you did. And now here it is.
He is different. He doesn’t take money from corporations. He has a long track record of fighting for civil rights and women’s rights. He’s far more honest than any other prominent politician in America. He actually cares about people, and he shows it. Not all of his ideas are the alpha and the omega, but that’s…
Bernie Sanders has one of the lowest net worths in all of the Senate, if not the lowest, at about $800,000. If he chooses to own three houses (although you’re stretching the definition of “houses” here to include a condo in D.C as well as his eventual retirement home), that just makes him a savvy investor who’s…
Because it’s common black wisdom that it isn’t the one roach you see, but the hundreds you don’t.
Who’s LaVar Bell?
Yeah, I’m in Delaware right now, which is red on that map, and it’s actually a bit chilly.
Donnie Small Hands’ Fuckhead Circus
Joel Osteen also believes you can pray the gay away. Just saying.
Indecision? Retention of options? I don’t know. I have one request I haven’t answered; it’s from a batshit insane Trump supporter I know from college. I think I’m waiting until impeachment/resignation to accept it so I can rub it in his face.
For something we were waiting for with such enthusiasm... it wasn’t very exciting. Sure, they managed to create some tense moments, but basically it tied up a bunch of loose ends mostly as you’d expect and wasted a ton of a time on a whiny, “okay I’ll join you, j/k no, alright I’m totally in this time slash I’m…
Never said Wentz is a star (I mean, he’s in the same list as Alex Smith here), but he’s a competent QB. A 62% completion rate with more TDs than INTs is damn good for a rookie. Winston and Mariota are good, with the upside to be really good. Carr had a 28:6 TD:INT last year — hardly “meh” stuff.
There are more competent QBs than that: Newton, Winston, Mariota, Dalton, Alex Smith, Carr, Wentz, Palmer.
This is the new “I’m not a racist! I have black friends!”
“Howard is a predominately ‘black’ school, which either way SHOULDN’T MATTER.”
Are we just going to ignore the role of the Home Run Derby in this?
In 2015, Decker put up a stat line not altogether dissimilar to the ones he posted with Peyton Manning while catching balls from Ryan Fitzpatrick, so... what was your point again?
I don’t have time for all the golf and treason that position requires.
Wish I could get paid $10 million a year for sucking at my job.