
We need to find his cell phone number, am I right?

The Gang Hits The Slopes is definitely top 10, if not top five. And ranking The Nightman Cometh No. 20 and Kitten Mittens No. 28 is goddamn insane.

That’s a fully absurd thing to say, considering that I’ve personally been banned from a couple of those Disqus-using extreme right-leaning websites you mention (like NewsBusters) simply for expressing liberal opinions — not even vitriolically — and that this thread started with a dissenting opinion.

I don’t think you’ve been purposefully greyed out — The Concourse has a different set of greys/non-greys than Deadspin proper. Your original comment is non-grey due to someone who’s non-grey starring it.

That’s what it would take to report a document being discussed at the highest levels of government, yes. Whether it’s bullshit or not, it’s certainly a story when the president and president-elect have been briefed on something like this.

Uh, it’s called the Wade Boggs Challenge (may he rest in peace).

He’s just practicing the Anthony Weiner style of getting back in the news.

Who gives a fuck about that? Concerned citizens want to know the truth about “Who wants to sex Mutombo?”

I’m convinced there’s a penis joke hidden in this comment somewhere.

And Deadspin writers to fuck up “a” vs. “an.”

It’s really good furniture though.

I helped provide pre-production office lunches for a Sylvester Stallone movie, but I didn’t really expect to see him around the place. However, one day as I was walking down the hallway, I turned a corner and there he was, right in my face. Having thought this interaction through exactly none at all, I gave him an

Nine degrees isn’t that bad. A windchill that makes it feel like negative three or so: that is very bad. It physically hurts. It’s like knives stabbing you in the face and penetrating your brain.

Would they? There are such things as pride and work ethic, and I’m told other people have them.

Fuck Donald Trump. He is the worst person in America, and no one else is close.

I don’t get why he’s more strident about this—after the game—than he is about the football game.

Not his fault; he lost his anal bumcover and had to go see a therapist.

The terrifying thing about this is that Ted Cruz is a man without shame -- he would never be shamed into this by “urgings” in the name of party unity.

Hahahaha, nice one.

I feel like you don’t know what the word “fit” means. That’s unfortunate for you, but i guess it fits right in with watching like 60 people pile onto you for making an idiotic comment and then trying to play it off like you were trolling.