
I think you mean, "Lesser mortals can mix it."

Thou art base and debauched as can be.

Candles are often used for heat too.

I did stuff like this in my head for a couple years, I was too lazy and stubborn to use any calorie counting apps. I would do round calculations for everything. I rounded up for food, down on exercise, and never used exercise to justify eating more. I lost 80lbs and am working to join the Marine Corps as an officer.

The sixty-four thousand dollar question is, what kind of phone was this?

I have far too much hair on my feet for this to end well.

I've taken to using Wunderlist for tasks. It runs on everything and is super minimalist. I do not want to color code my tasks, have subtasks, or anything fancy.

I actually love running in the winter. Extremes of weather make me feel all the more badass. Have you tried covering your face? You need to warm the air a little bit before it hits your lungs, to try to blunt the shock and pain. Also, the saliva thing sounds like you are far more dehydrated than you think.

So, I work in tech support and all day today I have been researching Windows repair tools and live CDs. I'm fairly confident with my findings, but I realized I didn't have any sort of anything for Macs. I did some super lazy Googling and came up with TechTool Protogo. Anybody around here use it, know about it?

I live on the south side, and my shower and bathtub are always water colored. I drink about a gallon of tap water a day. Tastes just fine.

This is SO much better than the one for sale actually at Robie House.

Alright, I'm adopted. Internationally adopted. I'm 100% Colombian and my parents are your classic Midwestern German-Irish mix. And I thought the jokes were bloody hilarious. If you can't laugh at your own situation, then what's the point of finding anything funny.

Most of the books for my undergrad thesis are over 90 years old. This is bullplop.

This is like the Warhammer STC.

@spicyhamster: One of my high school teachers tells a story of him getting outsmarted by a group of autistic kids. He went to public school outside of Austin, Texas. Back in the day they kept the autistic kids in a pen to keep them from roaming around the halls. They tricked him into coming in the pen, and snuck out do you cheat? I'm confused the Xbox seems like a closed system to me. I apologize for my complete and utter ignorance, but I have no idea how this would work.

They're called WYNGS because they arent actually wings, just pressed chicken product.

Another trick is to put dryer sheets around the radiators. I do that and my apartment always smells like clean laundry.

Recently I had a massive crippling back injury. I was laying on the floor yelling for help for about 25 minutes. I'm a healthy 23 year old male (minus sudden back problem) I was able to scream with pretty good force. Somehow no one heard me. I was having back spasms about every 15 seconds, and I was calling for

@Phatric: Yo, I heard you like microwaves...