You shouldn't be glad. The guy can't even argue well.
You shouldn't be glad. The guy can't even argue well.
I heard a journalist shook the hand of a developer, I suggest they get onto cracking that case wide open.
Did you even read the article? That is exactly what Kotaku, and in this particular case as he is the author, Jason was saying. They straight up say that SVU butchered everything about gamers and gamergate. What did you expect, SVU is a drama, they have no choice but to butcher it up else no one will watch it, the…
It's corny, terrifying shlock that demonizes hardcore gamers and turns complicated conversations over misogyny in gaming into a cartoon caricature of good vs. evil. Even as SVU's writers imagined up a terrifying, totally feasible kidnapping scenario, they just couldn't help but pepper it with cartoon villains (who…
Manfortress continues to be the true hero of this entire clusterfuck.
Unacceptable! Deplorable! Inconceivable! HIGHLY UNETHICAL! That they would portray my movement (innocent, calm, reasonable people) as angry, irrational nerds who scream at Females is offensive and insulting.
Whoa there Kotaku, that's rather brave of you to say Amazonian Warriors is better than Civ 5.
It's definitely in the top five. I would probably put Journey ahead of it though honestly neither is really wrong. Personally I also include Braid in that list as well, mostly because of the beauty in the story though I admit I'm probably in the minority for including it.
Agreed. Molyneux lost interest in the game when he found out that PC gamers didn't like his mobile monetization strategy. He fought hard to sneak it in, and every single time the community went full pichfork, so he moved his development to the tablet version where he could sell his microtransactions to "casuals". He's…
I really don't know how so many people are taking you seriously. I started laughing at Gertsmann.
Sadly what you typed Was so close to the bullshit I have read from others on Reddit and the like that I truly was fooled. I can admit when I am wrong and it is sad that I got so pissed off.
"She went on to take a job writing for Ubisoft's blog. It was subsequently decided to remove Tyler from reviewing Ubisoft games. What we ought to have done was remove him from all Ubisoft coverage, or disclosed his relationship as part of the stories he went on to write."
The fact that your girlfriend is treating this as a slight on her is the first red flag. Laying down an ultimatum (and yes, "I'm not going to date someone with depression" is an ultimatum) is another. Right now you're dealing with the fallout from being seriously ill; that's going to do a number on you emotionally,…
The number of people you've fooled is a testament to your skill. +1
The bit about Gerstmann had me hittin' a buddha smile. The most glaring "violation of ethics in games journalism" is completely ignored in the interest of making an Ethics Omlette.
Even though people are somehow missing the obvious satire, I have to applaud you for really summarizing the GG movement and its glaring issues in one brilliantly composed statement.
Hahaha...thank you for that satire...everything from your user name to your statement there were no unethical activities in game journalism prior to 2007. :)
Hooray! The very minor disclosure that resulted from this totally justifies the rest of the shit!
Dear Gabe,
I feel that a lot of the "harassmant" being claimed around here is nothing but valid, researched, important criticisms that are in no way offensive. Did you see that post from Anita about her average week? This is the kind if calm, rational discussion Twitter is now hoping to silence with anti Speech Freedom rules.