Bumping out of the greys for correctly using "henotheistic" in a sentence. I love that word, and it doesn't get enough respect.
Bumping out of the greys for correctly using "henotheistic" in a sentence. I love that word, and it doesn't get enough respect.
A popular (and compelling) theory is that the earliest Israelite beliefs from which the Old Testament emerged weren't actually monotheistic, they were henotheistic. This means they recognized the existence of other gods (thus "Thou shalt have no other gods before me") but exclusively worshipped their own. Over time it…
lol @ your saying that the foundation of modern biology is "pointless"
Because the theory of evolution is one of the most important theories to come from the scientific method and should be taught in schools so that kids understand how to formulate and test observations and ideas. Intelligent Design has attempted to claim the deductive powers of science, while being based on faith; faith…
So let me get this straight. These people don't believe in evolution because it doesn't work like it does on the Pokemon cartoon?
Posts like this are why even lots of gamergate influence couldn't get me to leave Kotaku. You people are awesome!
Thanks for reminding me why Kotaku is the only gaming publication I can take seriously. Your "common sense" approach to reviews should be the Gold Standard that other gaming publications are to be measured against.
well put and well said
HOLY MOLEY!!! I'm watching the whole thing and just as I was thinking "I wonder if they managed to make the gravemind look decent" he shows up! Best addition far and away to the game. He looks way more like the initial concept art sketches bungie had in the art book and not at *all* like a giant stupid looking…
Yes, yes, yes!
So Gamergate is about women in indie game development? This shit is getting more confusing by the second. I though it was about ethics in journalism.
He confirmed in an interview with the DirecTV anchors, post-ceremony, that he was referring to gamergate. He mentions them by name.
Fucking Blizzard...by the time this is actually out I'll have waited 5/6 years to play the only part of Starcraft II I actually give a shit about. Thanks, assholes.
If that's your experience, I'm surprised. You may not really be looking. Take a look at Zoe Quinn's Twitter mentions, or FemFreq's, or Glenn Fleichmann's, or virtually any other indie dev. You'll see how ugly it gets.
He didn't say "gamergate" because when there's a turd in the punchbowl, you don't have to call out the guy with the poopy ass by name
Tip of the hat, good sir. Keep fighting the good fight. You'll surely win the world over at this point. The GamerGate brand is NOT damaged beyond repair and is most certainly worth saving.
He condemned what needs condemning
Microsoft though made this little thing called Windows.