
I love people like you. People who relate past events to the present day as if there hasn't been any progress or that the comparison holds true somehow. Just completely ignore the fact that almost everything is different.

Seriously, are you 10 years old?

Grow up and go being edgy somewhere else, pokemon is the deal here and its for everyone regardless of their religion.


You have some deep-seated issues there, don't you?


That seems like an absurd statement.

Don't let Jalopnik see this one..... lol.

This is absurd.

This definately made me regret spending it's 60 Euros.

This whole article manages to feel so sad even though you haven't directly expressed it and I guess this is what good writing entails

Not even half as much as your comment does. So they don't have anything you like to play, doesn't mean the games they are offering suck.

Holy crap.. PS+ is amazing O_O

While I'm not particularly a LoL fan, it really seems that folks hate on it because it is that popular. It seems a lot like people hating on WoW just to do so, that it's the "thing" to do.

Now, I'm not pointing fingers at you specifically, your reply was just a convenient place to give commentary about this. Whether

True, but ultimately the people who buy games that are released by a publisher are paying for the failed games that were either cancelled or lost money. As long as these failed games exist and the publishers aren't going out of business this is true.

Because they have consoles and their PC runs Windows ME?

I'll be a little let down if they focus on the more recent blocks. The story behind Dominaria, from the early days of the Thran, to the early days of Urza and Misrha leading up to the Brother's War, and the thousands of years of history following it all the way to Yawgmoth's invasion and eventual defeat at the hands

Zora is a fine enough name, adding the H isn't so preposterous. Tali'Zorah however is a bridge too far.

I was literally crazy about Tali in all ME games, and think it's a great idea. 'Zorah might sound a bit too much in the real world, but Tali is absolutely beautiful.

Hell yes, this counts as a video game of 2013. It's a completely redone XCOM, not just a pack of maps or a set of prelude or epilogue missions to last year's story. The new MEC troopers and gene-modified soldiers completely reshape combat against the extraterrestrials, and add another critical decision to your