
Both the Myrrh and the Frankincense were are valuable as gold (or even MORE, depending of the place) back then. I recall reading somebody making calculations of how much those gift would be equivalent it modern currency, and the guy gave a 1-2 million dollars figure. Which makes me wonder what the heck did they do

No...just no. The Upworthy headline nonsense is a cancer that needs to stop. I loath it with every atom in my body, and want nothing more than for it to disappear from the internet forever. No cached pages, no images saved, nothing. Just one day we wake up and never even knew it existed.

No. She turned off comments on YouTube because she was tired for rape and death threats. As she has said countless times over, if you want to criticize her, there are plenty of forums to do so.

I don't like her or agree with her on most things but, that actually was a wise choice to block Youtube comments.

I imagine that there would be a lot of "black (or dark)" humored, trolling instead of actual criticism, (Even with this new system youtube has implicated).

Oh come on, the sort of comments videos like hers get aren't worth leaving the door open to. Shes a target (whether she engineered that or not is irrelevant) for so much hate theres no room for reasonable discussion there.

This isn't last gen. Can you read?

I hope they delete this comment for the sake of your stupidity and inability to follow instructions.


Didn't you read the guidelines?

Is there a time where AoEII isn't awesome?


you won't regret it

There are games that show us emotions. David Cage likes to talk them up.

Journey is a milestone of co-op, storytelling and emotions in games.

This is going to sound crazy, this being an indie game and all, but I think Journey was the best gaming experience I've had on the PS3. It's also easily in my top 20 games of all time, without even having to weigh it.

Steam - We have an offline mode that requires you to check in every now and then.. no wait its a bug, yup a bug.. we're fixing it.. among other wonky stuff..

Congratulations, you were the first person to make this incredibly unoriginal and unhelpful comment that everyone makes on every post about Facebook.

Hm...cute comment that makes people mad for a second before making them feel a little silly, or stealing the top thread spot in an article to make a massive troll post that just leaves everyone bitter in the end?