Triggered much?
Triggered much?
Most crime in California is up, when you consider the recent changes in law that release those arrested before trial, the treatment of property crimes as non-felonious no matter how egregious, coupled with the wholesale dumping of convicts on the communities from prison because of coronavirus or budget issues....what…
Better get those social workers on the case
Does it really not have a rear sway bar? Thats nuts! I mean it will help them a few points on the ramp, but the general consensus on sway bars for off-road is that you don’t want a front but you actually DO want a rear. When climbing a rear sway bar will actually improve traction. It’s not just about flex its about…
Here’s what I like about the Wrangler:
Luckily those are serviceable too. The slip yoke was eliminated in 2007 so that removed a weak point. Now you can just replace u-joints or the whole shaft. There isn’t much lift needed to run 37's so the geometry doesn’t change all that much and doesn’t add as much stress as you’d think. With such a large aftermarket…
You won’t break the ring and pinion running something that is numerically too low, the R&P is actually stronger as it is a smaller ring, larger pinion. Even a Dana 30 can hold 37's, many people will add sleeves, gussets or a truss but a lot of mall crawlers just run them stock.
Why would they? This is their agenda and it’s so blatant. Really detracts from otherwise good stories, and this is by far my favorite site, but the blatant straw-grasping/adding fuel to the fire, is really offputting
Wholeheartedly agree. I cant believe the blatant stupidity this site exudes sometimes. You’re absolutely right its like they’re angry there was no racist involved, and so they have to add fuel to the fire SOMEHOW. I mean it predated the dude even having the garage, talk about looking for anything.
This whole story just reeks of false narrative.. The sociopolitical timing, how it was reported by NASCAR before any kind of investigation took place, how Bubba never even went to actually see the “noose” before pushing the agenda and is now doubling down on it... It just feels like some dirty publicity scheme taking a…
“It should be noted that, as an organization with a long history of harming Black people, the FBI is not necessarily a reliable authority on crimes against Black people. The organization who harassed and surveilled Martin Luther King, Jr for years, has determined that this is a harmless, non-hate-crime noose.
Good thing he doesn’t ride the bus, the most racist form of transportation
By making much ado about nothing? Okay
A. This article... Good lord - what an inflammatory joke. If this were a real hate crime... okay, but it wasn’t. Video footage and an FBI investigation proves that, let it go. I mean, you said that despite the outcome, you don’t buy it because the FBI is racist and implied that all of NASCAR was somehow okay with the…
...the FBI is not necessarily a reliable authority on crimes against Black people. The organization who harassed and surveilled Martin Luther King, Jr for years, has determined that this is a harmless, non-hate-crime noose.
And the phillips head screw drivers all have crosses!
Yeah, I think I’m just about done being told how racist I am by this website. Goodbye jalopnik, I'll be over on thedrive.
Wallace himself is still furious about the situation, as we all should be
All this for a garage door strap that’s been there for months... modern outrage culture at it’s best