So, Google and ‘research’? Thanks for the hot tips guys, really outstanding work here.
So, Google and ‘research’? Thanks for the hot tips guys, really outstanding work here.
“force uber to pay a living wage”
So Yellow cab couldn’t make an app to call a cab? They couldnt make an app that would preplan the route so I can relax instead of having to make sure the taxi driver doesnt screw me? They couldnt come up with cost estimates based on those routes? They cant bill me through the app?
Taxi companies did this to themselves. They could have done everything Uber did but they didn’t because they were fat and lazy off the lack of competition. Then to further screw the consumer they spent their time fighting to stop Uber and Lyft rather than try to catch up.
This is the best part. Just because taxi drivers are losing their jobs to better services, I’m supposed to feel bad? Let’s implement redundant and restrictive rules to save other dying jobs.
Fast is fast, and it’s neat seeing big things that shouldn’t be fast go fast.
I suspect you’re either being sarcastic, or you don’t know how a drag diesel works. The smoke goes black because the fuel is going dead rich when they start to spool the turbos. In this case, three of them. The reason for the dead rich mixture is because those three turbos, if this truck is like most other race…
you know what $3900 a month gets you in Boston? A 1 - 2 bedroom apartment.
You sound fun.
Notice the 50 above the 5, to 60 above the 6 etc. It's on the same bezel.
I need to mull this over some more, but I just found the io9 writeup, and wow, they not willing to examine this at all beyond “rape, rape, rape, David’s bad forever and Syd is everything now.”
Because both AV Club articles/reviews and their corresponding comments sections have devolved completely into virtue signalling for half of the people who work/comment here. There used to be a basic understanding that the depiction of a heinous act was itself not an endorsement of that act; now we’re holding…
Was it rape territory when Syd used her mother’s body to have sex with her mother’s boyfriend, setting him up for a statutory rape charge? Or when she used other people’s bodies for her own amusement?
No, its not. It’s still B to B+ range. The grade for this finale is just a gross overreaction to specific event.
It is a fictional story, man. I think most of the comments are like this because why are you guys taking a fictional story SOOOO seriously? The actress was not really is fiction. This is why people snigger at “triggering”. Adults should be able to see a fictional portrayal of something bad without having…
David had sex with his girlfriend after he removed the Shadow King’s mind control, not implanting his own thoughts. He loves her and was desperate to maintain their connection after she shot him. He went about it the wrong way, it’s a bit icky, but calling it rape or assault is wrong.
So, couple things...
That’s not what’s happening. He’s not going bad because he’s mentally ill. He’s going bad because all the people in his life who claim they love him have turned on him except Amy/Lenny.
I think you’re using/trying to incorporate where we are in the age of #metoo with simple allegorical story telling. David’s been on a descent into madness the whole season, becoming more and more cut off/cutting himself off because, in the end, he’s gotta have the big boss battle, the one he might not come back from,…