Steeze McQueen

I don’t think the TT fans are out there to see anyone get hurt. These are some pretty hardcore race fans.

Brain damage? From THAT? HA!

If this is your definition of a punch, then WAY worse than this is going on. As someone who played offensive line at the collegiate level - people will “get up” using various part of your body for leverage. You’re LUCKY if it’s just your helmeted head and not, say, your knee or ankle or junk. Fingers make a nice

I was refering to Deadspin commenters, he’s treated like a saint here. He’s not.

Worse than this goes on at the line of scrimmage on literally every single down in football. And I shudder to think what your take on raking in rugby would be. Contact sports involve contact, sometimes even a bit of excessive contact. I love you, Deadspin, but this is absolutely nothing.

Subban punched Crosby in the back of the head repeatedly in game 1, which may have been what he was referring to for why he “had it coming.”

Its a prerunner. Big bumps is what they’re built for.

“It’s not fast and it’s not pretty...”

Jesus Christ. This woman is doing it right. Driving the car for what it’s intended. Marketing the fuck out of both it and herself. AND improving her skills in a driver’s car.

Adjusted for inflation, that seems about similar, no?

A 93-98 Jeep grand Cherokee?

Yeah, you’re right, but now your lawn looks like shit and it bothers other people. Part of living in society is conforming to its norms and not being a pain in the ass.

So put your pets/children/self at risk of snakebites, ticks, and other issues that go along with having an unkept yard. Sounds like somebody has never owned property with a yard.

Another Skyline responsible for leaving big skid marks:

Except in cases where you’re required to by an HOA, care about your property values, or care about your relationship with your neighbors.

i would fuck this car

Stevie Wonder, is that you?

Also, underwater.