Not sad, just realistic. Automatics are simply better for offroad driving. Manuals are inferior in most offroad situations, and manual transmissions in a truck aren’t the kind of fun that they are in a sporty car.
Not sad, just realistic. Automatics are simply better for offroad driving. Manuals are inferior in most offroad situations, and manual transmissions in a truck aren’t the kind of fun that they are in a sporty car.
I much prefer an automatic when driving offroad. It is much easier to creep over obstacles while left-foot braking. On the beach, an automatic is easier to start up from a dead stop without spinning the tires, thus reducing your chance of digging in and getting stuck.
Similarly, do not put your hand in your mower while it’s running.
Now I know where Chevy gets people for their commercials.
Totally agree. The brake check had nothing to do with the crash.
Edit: Didn’t realize the malibu was still in front. Thought it was the Grand Am because of the resolution.
Obviously, brake checking someone at that speed is ridiculously unsafe and a major asshole move in any case. But still, I don’t see how it’s the brake-checkers direct fault here. Surely he caused her to be more…
Just because Jeep refused to retire an engine for 44 years doesn’t mean all 90s cars are easy to work on. I love the 4.0 in my 92 just as much as the next Jeep nerd, but lets not lie to ourselves as if its a 90s product. The EFI was lipstick on a pig. A loveable friendly pig that outlives most of its owners, but a pig…
I care. So you’re wrong.
Jon Levy, a 40-year-old attorney in Miami, said he purchased a Model S 70 about a year ago because he was attracted to the environmental benefits of the sleek electric vehicle.
“But other luxury automakers have the same problems...” blah blah, excuses, is what you will hear from Tesla defenders on this issues. Fact of the matter is this issue is only going to get worse, unless Tesla is planning ahead with the onset of the Model 3 coming to market. But I’m not holding my breath.
Half expected to see a vape cloud seep out the window
I love playing with that thing.
The big mistake was when they paved everything. Before that you could just blade the road occasionally and everyone owned a Jeep. Make America Dirt Again! (see, partisan debate commenced)
I remember watching this, but it was about 5 years ago or so.
Oh look a dictionary definition so broad that basically any liquid with less surface tension than mercury qualifies as a lubricant. Unless, of course, you realize that heat and wear are not lessened by anything short of a purposefully designed lubricant. WD stands for Water Displacer, and it does that fantastically.…
Myth: Putting an indeterminate amount of lubricants into a formulation automatically makes the entire formulation suitable as a lubricant.
WD-40 is NOT a lubricant. When will people figure this out. Go buy some white lithium or silicone based spray nonsense if you want to lubricate something.