3 second rule. You should only be <50 behind someone at about 10mph...im sure not chucking anything at 10mph. 3 seconds at 25mph is 110 feet..im good
3 second rule. You should only be <50 behind someone at about 10mph...im sure not chucking anything at 10mph. 3 seconds at 25mph is 110 feet..im good
Fenders break, get snagged on trees/rocks and ripped off or prevent articulation
Don't tailgate ;-)
Yup! Works great, I also apply it to the chute and prop of my snowblower to prevent buildup..I always like hearing about what people use it for
Yup everyone thinks windshield-less driving would be fun..truth is anything over 15mph and no eye protection could be a new form of sick torture
I never even thought of using it in wheel wells to prevent blockage...great idea
It's basically just lanolin oil. Non toxic and environmentally safe its truly amazing and has endless applications. Plow/salt trucks up here use it so their rigs don't crumble apart after one season
They list some of the applications on their website I learn to use it something new everyday
It's basically just lanolin oil. Non toxic and environmentally safe. It has endless applications
My new business idea is to start a car wash that has a final stage that applies a thin coat of this...no need to wash the car in teh winter!
Best places are any automotive chain store. It's basically just lanolin oil it is non toxic and environmentally safe. The applications are endless not just limited to rust prevention, you can spray the stuff on practically anything
Yes. As long as you don't mind doing a little annual maintenance. I usually spray this on once or twice a year - it's non toxic and environmentally safe and you can spray it on practically anything. It comes in an aerosol can so it's easy to apply and has a "creeping" ability when warm to get into difficult spots…
Come in an aerosol can, it's lanolin oil and non toxic/environmentally safe. I do one coat in spring and one in fall. It's an amazing product with endless applications
Does fluid film count as a hack? Or does it qualify as a god send for people living in rust belts? The stuff is absolutely amazing..I took these pictures at the same time
1. Dylan
No evolution of the Jeep grille? Pass...
Nah, just his own hellish version of groundhogs day
sounds amazing...must be a beautiful place
amazing pictures...thank you for sharing. Are they not concerned with all that dirty snow ending up in rivers? You can no longer dump snow in boston rivers because of how much junk is in there
Beat me to it. The absolute best car for any teenager
Jeep XJ