Thank you. I know most people on the internet are pathetic, but the pointless hate spewed in recent Jalop posts is getting out of hand.
Thank you. I know most people on the internet are pathetic, but the pointless hate spewed in recent Jalop posts is getting out of hand.
Break in periods are void when the entire car is receiving an upgrade idiot
60% of statistics are correct 100% of the time
@sayantan_z28: no pumpkin, no jeep
@tomcatt: jeep wrangler disagrees
The deafening roar coming from that car at 1:02 was definitely worth it
@Broseph Spiegel Stalin: sorry I was just braking your balls
@Broseph Spiegel Stalin: I would think broken pads would be a down
I was so excited to read this post after the first 5 words
@Optixtruf: gorgeous
@87CE 95PV Type Я: When they put up the first one a couple years ago they had parked a few blades in some random field in stephentown
Anyone know if that is for another turbine going up at Jiminy Peak?
@87CE 95PV Type Я: I wanna say that it was more eastern NY maybe schenectady area because I believe that is for a turbine going up at Jiminy Peak resort in Hancock
@superflanker00su: Crashing at 200+ mph...very expensive
god i hate hipsters, cant wait to see these popping up all around cambridge
@a1ek5ant3ri: So the animal should be punished because of some dumbass hick? I agree it should be no where near a neighborhood..but tranq darts are just fine so long as she is being relocated to a safe place and taken away from the crazy asshole owner
@MySe7enCanBeatYour911: good lord what a beautiful beast
@D_Robb: good moms had a tiny little gas tank anytime you got under 1/4 it was dangerous to drive anywhere because of how quick the needle fell
@jetstar88: haha i know that...i had an '89 YJ with four wheel drums and it was the equivalent of a luge sled in the winter
@JRC-Whack-a-mole: Not correct or funny because clearly this 911 is in its correct environment...not sitting in a handicap space at a local starbucks