@Bueller: Complaining about a car related post? I believe you are on the wrong website
@Bueller: Complaining about a car related post? I believe you are on the wrong website
@bacon117 thinks 3D porn brings a new dimension to the money shot: This one day of dragging might have single handily reversed anything good every single prius ever put in production has ever done for the environment..thank you for sharing that with me
@Cobbie: Exactly my thoughts. I'm sure any parent would give themselves up for their child, but to be able to react in an instant and actually be able to carry through with a selfless act like that is amazing
Thanks, but when will you guys post the 3D trailer?
@cdimarzio: I avoid the green line like the plague come sept. 1st....only a few more weeks before the trains become over run with students
Anyone see the wave at :20? Cocky bastard never should have broken concentration
Why does he have tubular doors bolted to the outside of regular half doors?? So confused..
@◄DЯӘω αлd nø╥ Џ►: 44?? I think your giving too much credit to the guy...its probably still the 35!
@ChiefPontiaxe is now also Chief VolvoWagonAxe: How fast can you push it?
I would love to see what my wrangler looks like in that..
That 2.0 badge is priceless
@LTDScott: Isn't that advertisement based off what you recently searched/is in your browsers history?
@Chad Curtis: I'd be happy to give your young daughter some more experience
@adema135: That's how you know youre in the right place
@Fej - it's not good, it's extreme good.: and all fueled by daddy's checkbook
@LoganSix: unless hipsters assembled your car...probably not
@TrampaOnline: You make the false assumption that soccer moms who will buy this option/package know how to put a soft top down
Top fuel dragsters never cease to amaze me..the numbers hurt my brain when I think of them
This just reminds me how much I hate small unintelligent dogs
@Tiberiuswise: I knew Bush planted that boat and then packed it full of explosives..it was only a matter of a time before people discovered the truth about the most intricate plan ever