
Don’t quad rotors make ridiculous turbulence for the amount of lift they create? Aren’t they inefficient?

They’re not really too complex, they’re too delicate. Most general aviation, single engine aircraft are simpler than most new cars. But you’re absolutely right, there’s no way to make cars as we accept them airworthy, but it is possible to make an airplane drivable. They just have such vastly different requirements

Dump that bitch, date around, don’t put a girlfriend before your buddies.

I’ve never bought a new car, but give me a little practice and I’m sure I can get good at it.

I currently own my second Fiero. You are correct, Fiero guys generally have them because they really like what they are. None of us ever thought it was going to get us laid. Well, maybe when new, bit I wouldn’t know, I was born the year they stopped making them.

It used to be conservatives DIDN’T want too much power in the hands of any one person, BECAUSE that person would inevitably do bad. Now they’re just as bad as liberals, they just want different things done with that power.

That money shouldn’t have been stolen from you, either.

You shouldn’t have to pay income taxes either.

I would say cars don’t have souls. What we regard as the car’s soul is really just a reflection of how we perceive ourselves seen in the quirks and characteristics of the car. That’s why for some people a beat up old Jeep has a soul, for others it’s a cheap and cheerful Miata, and for somebody else it might be a

It’s rightfully theirs because it was given to them. Just like anything else inherited or given to someone. “It’s rightfully theirs only because the government hasn’t stolen it for me yet”

That money is rightfully theirs.

What’s disingenuous is when your room mate only has half or a quarter of his part of rent when rent is due but he and his friends try to convince you he is all paid up because he bought his friends pizza and smokes and booze, so you should pay the rest of rent because you never buy your room mate’s buddies booze and

Wouldn’t they need to be shipped from hell for the demon

The Demon lives its life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters.

Modern engines still use tuned intake lengths, they just do it inside the manifold. And many of them do have variable lengths.

If he’s making the point I think he’s making, then I think it’s a valid point. He doesn’t say that Beyonce can’t sing. He’s saying that her act is at least as much about her dancing and her fashion and the spectacle as it is about her music. Adele is about the music alone.

Shklee, shklim, shkler.

Doubt it’s the Mazda transmission, those things break if you change radio stations too fast.

Bullshit. If it was simple racism and evil whitey came out in droves to vote for the Amazing Racist then

I hate that Trump is president, but THIS is why the left lost SOOOO SOOOOO badly this election, across the board. Keep it up.