
I would be curious what the makeup of Uber drivers is versus the makeup of the population. I’ve never had a single female Uber driver or a white one. They’ve been mostly black or middle Eastern. They’ve also always been fast and mostly professional and courteous.

I agree they’ve devolved into Dwayne Johnson punch em up movies.

I disagree. Could the series use a little more realism? Sure, but it was never meant to be a documentary. It does a great job showing a family drawn together by a profound love of cars and driving. I love cars. I’m about as enthusiastic as it gets. My girlfriend thinks my obsession is deeply unhealthy. Does my love

Sounds like an idiot. This is the second time this has happened to him and he still was only going to use Jack stands because it was a scissor jack.

This is the correct answer. Talk about sensationalist “journalism” at Jalopnik.

I thought you guys said it was the new Corvette..?

Trailer looks like the Speed Racer movie meets The Hunger Games, as directed by Tarantino.

I grew up in Florida, too, and people ask me what I think of all this. I just tell them it sucks that all the pools are going to be cold now and that we don’t get proper thunderstorms up here. None of my family from North Carolina down through Florida are going anywhere.

Mr Munro stated that the entire teardown and analysis cost them about $2,000,000. The physical teardown alone, just disassembly, no analysis, was around $28,000.

It was the father part that got me. I would’ve assumed he’d just have someone do that stuff for him and never even have to realize his feathers were ruffled.

I’m not even worried about the harbor fright(tee-hee) part. Good prep and good wire with some skill and I’d bet you could get solid welds from a cheap welder. I would guess he’s using cheap wire and didn’t prep it well and probably isn’t much of a welder, judging by his decision to use nuts. And the rest of his work.

Not less than a dime. And not 3000 pounds. And not using compromised suspension and steering components. And not riding on a section of the tire NOT designed to contact. But gotta love super bikes.

You mean like cutting the tie rods and welding in stacks of nuts to extend them? That’s modified, but not “designed to handle this."

I think it looks stupid. You could argue that aesthetics are subjective. You can’t really argue against the fact that these modifications have destroyed the functionality and performance the car. I would like to see you argue that the hack job on the body displays any craftsmanship. Guys with trashed, beat, hacked

Also the Colorado had that same pretty peppy l5.

No thrust, no steering.

The only part that looks like it has Lamborghini lines at all is where the fender line following the hood turns back towards the tire at the bumper cover. The rest really does look like a Corvette stretched into RMR proportions.

Back window. Who calls it a rear window?

I doubt the difference is huge. The weight probably didn’t change much. Sure, it’s a bit higher up, but the flat six want exactly light. Plenty of real race cars use DOHC v8s and the make it around corners.

Probably negligibly. The Porsche flat six is heavy. Sure, it’s low, but realistically you probably won’t lose anything in handling.