Uh, yeah, we established that
Uh, yeah, we established that
Mini jet car driver forgets to slow down for turn.
Grip tape on the pedals. Plastic bags are more slippery than wet soles
I’ve never driven a race car, but riding with bags outside of the shoes, the bags are slick as ice
You’re supposed to put the bags over your socks, inside the shoe.
that wasn’t death wobble
I almost bought a real one last fall, It was just a little too big a project for apartment living. The sliding rear roof and rear tailgate with the window that rolls down was awesome.
Yeah. Have NOT aged well.
I only regret that I have but one star to give
I think with rigid mounted contra rotating coaxial rotors they’ll avoid torsional loads on the airframe like, say, a Chinook would see, and of course a single rotor can’t take advantage of contra rotating rotors.
Ah, so cops have to shoot people who after cuffed. And some who are
Explain the whole handcuffed for his protection thing?
It’s within 2 inches of the old one. So still huge.
Obviously the chick who didn’t duck.
Yep, it was 4 barrel carb, 4 on the floor, dual exhaust. Cutlass high trim, like their ss. But I’d take either.
I can only assume common? Like weeds?
442 would be Cutlass
l6 is not v6
the th125 was an awful transmission, too. My Fiero had the same. Always wished it was a 5spd car
I can’t believe the Defender beat the 7 and the 3 wheeler