
In my mind it was Halpert that was tricked into doing 13 Hours because he thought it was another Threat Level Midnight.

And Emma Thompson:

Now playing

I feel like Charlie took the lyrics to this song a little too close to heart.

It’s an astonishingly simple and effective way to troll people IRL.

“The bride and groom unintentionally posed in front of a garbage dumpster, foreshadowing the first few years of their marriage.”

It seems extreme that simply recalling the first name — while otherwise using the feminine pronoun throughout, and never calling today’s Caitlyn Bruce instead — would be “transphobic.” It’s getting to egg-shelly around here.

Yeah this part was upsetting. Maybe leave the victim alone?

And such a horrendous violation of her privacy! “Here, let’s show the world where she lives, that seems like something people need to know for safety reasons...”

This is despicable

It only takes two things to set off a jez writer: white and male

You know it’s bad when Alan “I tell all the inappropriate jokes” Cumming is distressed.

Yeah, they didn’t “yuck it up like a couple of old racists”, he pretended to do that so that he could deliver the line. The entire point of that bit was that he wasn’t sorry at all and he actually doubled down on the idea that Gibson is a piece of shit. There’s a lot to hate Gervais for, but this is isn’t it. As you

Not really getting where the hate for Gervais is coming from. To me he remains a great example of the comedian who always punches up and never punches down.

Hittin’ her with the brows, even when she can’t catch ‘em.

I believe that was Ricky Gervais, 2 hours ago.

I mean, if you watch just this video, it looks like he’s laughing at something someone said to him off-camera and wasn’t paying attention to the proceedings at all.

She really didn't like it when Guilana touched her. She was shooting daggers.

cereal is way, way better when the milk is almond milk