
No. NO. Why? Literally when in obstetric nursing would you ever PUSH the baby BACK IN?!

No, it is absolutely not normal, hence the $16 million verdict. That shit is definitely malpractice.

This is truly delightful. I love the amount of effort she put into everything (the coffee mug, for example).

Agree. I loathed W. but I understood why people voted for him. This is so far beyond my comprehension. At BEST, he’s a blowhard reality tv star and a businessman of dubious success. At worst, he’s a racist, sexist, xenophobic megalomaniac (and actually really terrible businessman).

She’s got the votes. It’s a question of whether or not she’ll survive... or they’ll accept the results.

She will. These mouth-breathers don't realize that they, much like Boers in SA, are on the wrong side of history and history will brutally wash them away from the scenery.

Yeah it was too much about six months ago. What’s a word for too much too much?

Clinton better win by a goddamned landslide.

That anyone thinks this man should be President of the United States absolutely blows my fucking mind. I am generally good about understanding political differences between myself and others, but supporting this man is just too much.

This is too much. This has really, really gone too far.


Easy for him to say. He won’t be the one going through the heartbreak of having a child with microcephaly.

“If I’m going to err, I’m going to err on the side of life,” he said.

Nope, we can not all agree on that.

Men who throw/hit/kick things when they’re angry scare the shit out of me. All I can imagine is being alone in a room with someone like that, and how I would feel if they lost their temper.

The genius of the “WTF am I doing here” to “coy smile, hello...” is transcendent.

Even if he was an affirmative action admission all it would prove is that affirmative action kicks ass and is worth the investment, because we got Barack Freaking Obama out of it.

Agreed. Denying a person their basic dignity (for what??) won't inspire more faith in the system/society. Rather the opposite.

What is the ostensible reason not to allow an inmate to shower? It's amazing to me the depth of torture we allow prison guards to inflict upon inmates for no reason at all.

i just want to say, as an arab, i love that there is an arab leading man that is about to be the internet’s boyfriend, and his arab-ness is not a thing that is discussed or pointed out or whatever. he happens to be arab. he is mostly hot. i am so happy.