Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

Just get some winter tires and I bet it’d be alright. Until something mechanic happens to it...

Dude, spring for the snow tires, there is likely a lot more snow to come.

Or you could buy some snow tires and measure the difference they make.

This is better. This serves a purpose. Spiral bridge. Just as hoonable, but it connects two points separated by great height.

Don’t know where this is but it’s waaaaaaay cooler.

my street doesn’t even get plowed if there is that little on it

fun fact: nobody saying “you should have outrun the police” has ever had the balls to try it themselves.

You mean like this, but a 400, right?

So this is how the meeting went at Kia Design Studio

Good idea for a businessman.

This article is literally a bunch of fluff around a video.

There are gems in there if you look (especially from about 10 years ago). A Legacy GT and an older Forrester XT are both on my list.

He doesn’t need get rid of his car, he needs to get rid of his frat boyfriends.

Way late to the game, but...

Don’t you mean;

Why does that matter? How often do you take your car beyond 125mph?

And 126 is slow for a street car? I wasn’t aware this thing should have been aiming to break 200 mph on the LeMans straight.

Maybe Japan isn’t a very relevant point of comparison here ;-).

Beauty is subjective. In my eyes, your friends ruined a perfectly good looking Kaira Roadster.