Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

Just to clarify, most diesels would contain a huge cylinder that you described with or without urea (I believe it is either a catalytic converter or diesel particulant filter). Also those exhaust components are typically huuuuge on trucks and vans as opposed to passenger cars. In a Passat that component would be maybe

But that's not true. I've read the entire thread. You just dismiss people's concerns, even when you're presented with a valid example of harm that could only be avoided by clearing the top of your car. It seems more than a little childish and irresponsible to continue to maintain that possibly preventing inadvertent

An act of god is something that no one can prevent. You can prevent the snow on your car from causing an accident by cleaning off your goddamn car. You're not right, you're never going to be right. You have absolutely no justification and now you're just trolling. Take the time you've been spending justifying your

Wow, so do you also have control over the weather and can guarantee that a gust of wind won't knock snow and ice off your car into the car in the lane next to you? That guy isn't breaking any laws (which you seem to think justifies being an asshole), he's just driving in his lane.

No, it is YOUR responsibility to ensure your vehicle is safe to drive on public roads. On a public highway, you would have to be following an 1/8 mile back to not get blinded by snowdrifts from vehicles in front of you with lazy drivers such as yourself. The law doesn't always favor the vehicle in front. You sound

you're really no better than the people who throw cinder blocks off the overpass.

That is COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLSHIT. The car behind you could maintain twice the standard safe distance and still have snow from your car blown right into the windshield. Not to mention if the snow is near frozen and comes off in chunks, it could cause all kinds of havoc on the road behind you. I've seen it happen.

I'm making the vent on my BRZ functional. I was annoyed when I found out that they were fake. I mean, I knew that they would be, but when I started digging around under the hood, I realized that they set it up to be functional, but didn't cut out the holes for (probably) cost reasons.

I first saw this seating system about 5 years ago and am surprised nobody is using it yet.

"...I'm annoyed that developers continue to focus what seems like more effort on graphics than physics models."

We dragged our '67 GT350 out of a downtown warehouse a couple of weeks ago. It had been sitting since 1983. There were also some other cars in the same building: a '65 GT350, '66 GT350, a '70 GT500 SCJ, a '69 GT350, a couple of '57 T-Birds, a Sunbeam Tiger and some other junk aka '67 427 Vette. I have driven past

Its real wood, its not that thick but its real. How do I know? I am a engineer on the C489 program and have cut one of these up for testing