Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

YUP! I've got a pair too. I wear them when it's so hot the steering wheel and shift knob burn your skin - a thin set of leather Bionic driving gloves makes all the difference in the world.

Odd, that's usually the first thing I pull out of my stocking. Well, second.

She might be trying to tell you something...

Damn. I actually just started up a new game of CoP the other day, in anticipation of the (eventual) new game.

He knows he's gonna wreck it after showing off his new water to whiskey trick. It would be an embarrassing bible chapter for sure, so maybe judgement day is the planned coverup?

And this is precisely why this should be branded as a Toyota. You don't change your brand image by continuing down the same path with it.

I hope that rattling is part of the camera rig....

Something tells me you won't have a problem getting the car moving.

It's not speed that kills, I agree. It's differences in speed. Having everyone on a road traveling at around the same speed is not only safer, but more efficient. It makes driving time more predictable, and it makes it safer for someone to pull out to pass someone because there isn't someone doing 200+ about to

By testing for your driver's license, you are acknowledging that the road has laws that are put in place for the safety of yourself and others, and that you will follow them. If you willingly disregard these laws for the sake of having fun, you should be removed from the road network.

No gear changs - looks like he kept it in second the whole time.

Oh, good god no. Those colors just wouldn't do. I just love the bold proclamation they're making in regards to the brand with that car - Toyota used to do it on some of their cars and I loved it then, too. On a car like the BRZ, a blue oval is too beige.

Yes! The height looks fine and will relax a bit when loaded up. The car has to ride decently to be a daily, too. Fuck your 'stance', I drive my cars.

Something in me wants to put the Subaru text logo across the back a-la Subaru Baja. Maybe even the front.

I'm actually quite particular to the rear end without the spoiler. Clean, good lines. Not sure about the lights, but I like the form.

I was linked to the story from a friend, and I check Jalopnik every day - and so I see the notifications of replies in the top corner. No indication whatsoever of any preference for Gizmodo.

It's not an ice tornado. It doesn't kill everything it touches (you can see many of the creatures walked all over it for some time, and many even escaped the ICE TORNADO). And it doesn't creep - it grows.

Oh god, I can't even imagine the pettiness that ensued.

I last came here when Gizmodo was posting stalker/paparazzi photos of Steve Jobs' home from a helicopter or something.