Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

That bike still has a lot more character than most any motorcycle I've seen on the road. Hildo seems like a great character, too.

This past summer I drove across Minnesota. At night, with 4 hours of the densest fog I've ever encountered. Quite literally the scariest driving experience I've had, barring the people who get so road-rageful they try to somehow pull you over for a fight #Westchester

Actually, I think it DID need to be done. Can't tell you how many people claim that new cars are crap and you can't drive 'em away after an accident like the cars of yesteryear. One view of that video and they're sold on the design of new safety.

...Have you ever seen snow before? Also, have you ever driven winter tires in the summer?

I did a double-take when I laid eyes on that abomination of vehicle setup.

Tomorrow at noon: An apologetic post describing the seriousness of the lawyers GM hired.

Leaving a wake of wine.

Something's fishy there. I bought an '02 off-lease 5-speed Focus, from a dealer, with 28k miles , a dealer warranty and no issues. $6,000. In 2005. I'm even allowed to drive as many miles as I could dream up - because I own it. I'm still driving it today, and just completed an 8,000 mile trip with not a hiccup.

It seats 40 but has just one bartender? That's a dealbreaker.

Orrr it was a joke.

Early on they didn't know what design was. Now, they just can't stop doing it. Maybe one day they'll learn how to put down the markers.

Have you ever driven a car whose power steering motor was so involved the car felt numb? The steering should have a weight to it that translates the car's mass to the steering in some fashion.

There should be a loud siren that goes off inside the car when the system is used. Eliminate reliance through pants-wetting.

The blades should actually wear out just as quickly - UV light degrades the rubber used in wiper blades, and is usually the reason for the need to replace them. I replace mine every 6-8 months because of this, even in a dry spell.

Ugh. One lived down the hall from me at my last apartment. I mentioned it to my girlfriend, and I didn't hear the end of it until I moved. Mistake learned for next time. Hopefully there's a next time.

Watts was electrifying! She lowered my current resistance to authority figures. I'm sure it was a polarizing action for her department though, given the light charge the offending officer received.

Vignetting, lens flare, and text with a blue light sweeping across does not a good film make. You need substance and timing - the video is about 5 1/2 minutes too long and it's about one car... for some reason. Why is it about the Camaro other than some people who made the video own one? Who knows, the film didn't

That's astounding to me. Even if it's a crazy expensive brand new car, you're just throwing money out the door. The amazing part of car ownership is you can sell it, and recoup part of your investment to put towards a new one. We should run a Jalop PSA against leasing.

Can you sue for the whole cost of something you're effectively renting? Seriously, who the hell leases?!

Motorists MUST share roads with bicyclists and pedestrians. It's the law. We might not register our cars, but we still pay local, state and government taxes, which pay for the roads. Bike paths are an option for those who want to drive to ride their bike, or avoid hills, but the road is where many people ride.