Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

@HJTravels: As it's been said a million times over, go watch season 1 of UK Top Gear and tell me it's better than season 1 of US Top Gear.

@vichercules: Because people don't visit from out of town, have trucks for gear they need on a daily basis, need a car for frequent or weekly trips outside of the city, or simply enjoy the freedom of being able to get the hell out of a city when they please.

@Drujon: I completely agree. I am a cyclist, and because of guys who blow past stop signs, traffic lights and weave between cars, motorists HATE us.

@bill in tx: When entering a track, no warnings should be necessary. If you don't know it's coming by that point, it's your own damn fault.

Yes... I do sadly see that every once in a while.

Canadian Bacon is breakfast heaven.

Wait, the website changed design? Ohhhh, y'all must not be hanging out on the Canadian site. Things are just peachy over here.

A silver Civic sedan. You'd get decent gas mileage, can go plenty fast enough, and you'll never get pulled over.

-When was the last time you met a consumer who desired a 30 year old car? How about a 1000 year old car?

@Arfdog: Carbon fiber cannot be recycled into a usable product (Its strength is in its fiber length - all recycling methods to date cut the fibers). Carbon fiber is forever - not a great quality when you're making HUGE things that will see 15-20 year life spans at best in the market (few exceptions).

@redstapler95: It depends on the plastic, whatever composites (fillers, fibers) were used, and if the plastic can accept in-molded color. If the plastic's color is naturally dark, then doing in-molded colors would be difficult or impossible (Think Bakelite). In those cases, paint is most often used.

@skierpage: Commuting is only a portion of the life of a driver. How often do you drive more than 100mi in a single day on the weekend? Taking a trip to the grocery store, a park, and then seeing a friend at night and driving back can quite easily get well above the Leaf's capacity for a day's drive.

@87CE 95PV aka Colonel Sanders: If the driver reacted at all, they would have stopped on top of the kid. I say good on them for being oblivious.

@awwwcrap: I prefer to put on my horse blinders and go for it. It always works out in the end - the Escalade driver doesn't even have a ticket to pay!

@tonyola: Reaction times are the same, yes, but if you're speeding:

@eatadonut: Yup, after fixing up the body, frame, and getting everything painted proper by people who knew what they were doing.

@Sun_Tzubaru: I hope it's off in the negative, because that is no hipster.

@Bavarian_Horseplay: #4: The video is just 18 seconds long. I'm sure moments after the clip stopped, people got out to help him.