Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

LOVE the name. Rolls off the tongue.

@SagarikaLumos: I've done it with 2 guys, freezing temperatures, a hose and some planning too.

I sense a mancation on my horizon. How much are tickets to the gun show?

@thetooth: Check out this guy's Youtube channel. SO MUCH WACKY HOONAGE

I'm not so sure these behemoths of the road should be given such acceleration or power.

But a lot of people also use their cars for traveling - going to see a friend, going to weddings, vacations, etc. So now these people will either have to rent a car, own a second car, or use public transportation and die in a pile of filth (I live in the US - it's the honest truth).

@ranwhenparked: I don't think I've ever encountered a leaking gas cylinder. Gas storage is done pretty well these days.

@skierpage: The refueling time efficiency outweighs energy efficiency issues for a lot of people. I would sooner get on my bike than buy a car requiring multiple hours to refill with juice.

It's bizarre how people using on blogs these days feel that it's their civic duty to tell others what camera they were using if one was used. As if the scene would appear any different to them through the lens of a Canon AE-1.

My god, that watermark is distracting.

@sectachrome: I might be in the minority, but I wholeheartedly disagree. I think it's a very handsome car in proportion and form. The details are (quite) a bit gaudy, but I can overlook that.

And this is one of many reasons why I still read Jalopnik daily, and refuse to give other Gawker sites any page views. Thanks!

Hey Jalopnik, I know you reblogged this from Gizmodo, but can you please place the real source links in your articles? I don't want to click through Giz to give them another page view just to read the original article.

@Vavon: Bah, please ignore. The comment system has been unreliable for me as of late.

@Vavon: Have you seen an American? It takes at least 150hp to get a car moving with one of us inside.

@SagarikaLumos: I don't think people paying $140k for a car are all that concerned with mileage. The car could get 2mpg for all they care.

Chrysler should have just deleted the tweet, and had a conversation with Scott about it. Big corporations flounder in having a sense of humor about things that happen to negatively impact their image, and their responses usually push that impact further in my opinion.