Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

No no no, they made hollow stones, put them in place then filled them with concrete.

@4nth0ny: Yeah, screw those stupid jobs and loans. I've been going about paying for my higher education in all the wrong ways!

@ZFK: Christmas Eve, though I grew up in a household that promoted procrastination.

@ohnoitsaspider: I had a choice when I drove my car to my parents' house this Thanksgiving. I could have also taken a bus or a train. If they lived overseas, I could have gotten in a boat.

@ohnoitsaspider: You walk into an airport with the understanding that your shit will get searched and your junk will get touched. The TSA are not exempt from the words in the constitution - but there is nothing unconstitutional about them doing such searches when you willingly enter an airport and pay for the

Totally justifiable prices. I can't imagine vehicles from the future being cheap.

@philibuster: I'm sicking the news team on you for that...

People take themselves far too seriously.

@Mira Mi Huevo!!!: No... no I don't see art when I take a shit. Art must have intent, and this piece (since it is constructed purposefully) has intent.

@Noumenal: That's the thing. You're making judgments on this piece by looking at it, when it is not a piece to be looked at. It is a piece to be experienced through your senses. Without experiencing the experience that has been produced for the audience you cannot critique it or write it off. The internet is not

@Noumenal: This very well could be a self-contained work, except that in a portfolio it simply doesn't work. It is a sensory art piece, and so in a visual representation it falls flat without an explanation of why it exists. But besides this making a comparison to Stravinsky is mad, as Rite of Spring was a

@Noumenal: You should read some of Kant's philosophy on aesthetics then. Critique of Judgment comes to mind. However, more applicable to this work is John Dewey's Art as Experience.

@Noumenal: How many works of art have you produced? How many aesthetics philosophies have you read/written? And how current are you in art history and the advancement of the contemporary movements?

@Laulau Groes: Much better said than what came out of my keyboard.

@Vidikron: So do I. But you nor I have experienced this piece. This piece is designed to put focus on context and call out specific senses in a way that you do not experience in every day life.

Judging art without experiencing it is pretty fun, eh?

So how many people waited eagerly for Apple to throw The Beatles in their library rather than buying and ripping the albums, or simply downloading them through another service?

@jbaredesign: I can see the on-demand nature of the process being the sole benefit of using 3D Printing. However, after the large investment, you'd sell a TON of product at lower prices using other methods.