Tommy Five, Formula J's Growler

Yes, it's 3D printed. Never mind that that form can easily be done in injection molding for much cheaper in more durable materials with in-molded colors that won't chip off.

@DreamTheEndless: Depends on the tires and the riding conditions. When I rode mountain, I consistently ran my tires at 35psi. 30psi for an emergency fix on mountain tires is completely adequate.

Early model 4-foor Focus. It's super practical, and when nobody else is in the car it's a perky little bugger.

@anoteoftruth: That sucks, but girl shouldn't have been exchanging nude pictures of herself to begin with.

@zyodei: That's why it works. It's beautifully ugly.

Even if that M9 is a joke item on this list, it's not the "best digital Leica you can buy". That would be the Leica S2.

I am seriously missing the rally courses. Sad.

@jadefirefly: Maybe we could set up a bodily fluids exchange service for individuals such as ourselves? A sort of club for the aspiring superimmune.

I actively attempt to be infected by every cold I can. Eventually, I will have caught and gained immunity to all strains of the common cold.

@asmallcat: If it can be done with 0 risk and 0 harm, and 100% benefit then YES. But that will never be the case - there are always risks to life or mental wellness when dealing with these kinds of issues.

@Astrix: Many conjoined twins have survived fine walking at odd angles and adjusting to everyday objects designed for 98% of the people for decades. The human body adapts quite readily.

@HuskerNE: No, not at all. I simply don't think the 1st %ile and the 99th %ile should be treated like freaks. I used to work with disabled kids and some of the opinions of others sickened me. People saying that they should get fixed without knowing the larger reasons for why they are who they are. Just like this

@maude_flanders: You seem like you really want these girls to be 'normal'. Who are you to say what's 'for their own good'?

@DeadWriter: Many drum scanners today still require wet mounting to achieve the best scans.

@nexus976: People multitasking while driving usually fail to notice what lane they're in and what's in front of them, let alone what's next to them.

@Firebert: How can one watch The Office without ever seeing Office Space?

@blue-eyes-whitedragon: Nah, years of foreign language classes in college. I can't remember much past "Hello, my name is...", but hell if those ALT codes didn't stick with me.

@echo off: Touché, dammit. Touché.

@echo off: No, it's an idiom. Although it's generally not used in written form (as the written form would simply be quotation), the loose writing style you see on blogs might justify its written usage.

@TechnicAli: I'm pretty certain this is for when all you have is a computer.