
We had an Acura RDX that was recalled, and my wife was pregnant at the time. Acura could not give us a date and she said well I don’t feel safe driving the car, so they ended up providing us a rental. Took almost a month, but they got the airbag in finally, probably cost them a whole lot.

I think the craziest part is they gave it to the influencer who either:
a) already owns a better one so doesn’t need it or
b) has more than enough money to buy one for themelf.

Why in the world would they not give it to the little guy who made it there from his basement?

lol @ a few months. These days you’re looking at 6 months or more for a factory order. Even my simplest all cash deals never ever went as quickly as you describe.

Indycar on peacock?  FML

Thats not true. I was an insurance agent licensed in 38 states. You can have comprehensive without collision, in fact you can even have collision without comp if you really want but I’ve never sold a policy like that. People many times drop collision to save money since its the most expensive by far of the two and

Theres 2 different coverages involved. Comprehensive covers fire/theft/vandalism/deer/etc . Collision covers.... collision with other cars or objects etc. You can have one and not the other and some people remove collision to save money. If thats the case, hitting bambi is covered, avoiding bambi and hitting a tree is

I am a former insurance agent. There is no way your story is true. If you have comprehensive coverage deer strikes are covered. But even if they didn’t cover it there is not a snowballs chance in hell that you were able to switch carriers and have them cover an accident that happened prior to your policy being in

If you don’t follow the instructions for oiling them, then it can be a problem. However this is a common misconception about K&N, the oil DOES NOT come off on to anything, if you properly do it. The recharge process requires washing the filter and allowing it to dry COMPLETELY (as in leave it in the sun for a couple

Agree... F9 was entertaining I guess, but was so outlandish it requires the level of disbelief required to be on another planet.

I would hesitate to call any of the movies “good” in a cinematic Movie Award sense, except maybe the first one. But they are fun and entertaining and thats all a movie really needs to be sometimes. That said in watching a movie it requires some suspension of disbelief. I mean a group of basically criminals being

Someone should let the EPA know his business is advertising trucks that roll coal. Considering the hard on for emissions defeat devices they have now, it should be an interesting dicussion.

I say this as a former Saturn and Dreamcast owner, Sega stopped because no one bought them. Saturn was released with no mainstream Sonic title, right when Sonic was HUGE, and it was way overpriced, and it had poor third party support. Dreamcast improved but still was still missing support from major third party

I think you massively overestimate the number of people who pirated games. In order for your theory to hold water there would have at least been a large user base of systems, but there was not. I loved my Dreamcast, but Sega caught lightning in a bottle when they mad Genesis, and then proceeded to step on their dicks

Hmm.... Not over 50..... Just don’t feel like yanking my phone out and plugging it into the car every time I get in to have Nav capability. And as good as AA and CarPlay are right now, they still in many cars are missing full integration, so for example directions don’t pop up on the HUD.

I’m a volunteer firefighter in NY. After 9/11 we were suddenly treated so well by the public. This lasted maybe 6 months tops before people were back to asking us if we were drunk every time we showed up on a call, actively blocking the truck going down the road, and attempting to vote down our budget to replace a

Exactly, I used to work for GEICO and dealt with execs directly.  He would show up sometimes for company events but it was well known that he didn’t want anything to do with how the business worked at all.  

Theres other reasons to rethink it. As someone who has sold a car on BaT it can be brutal. I fully disclosed everything I could see/find about the car as well as the requisite buttload of pics, however the car was owned by my uncle who is deceased. He kept 0 records. The shop he used was an older Italian fellow (it

While I tend to agree in terms of what he actually DID, you do need to remember the 1920s-1950s were a massively different time than now. Between global news, smartphones, etc, it would be very hard for someone to behave this way, and in addition Putin had many years of pretending to cooperate with the west. Had Putin

The F14's barely ever fly more than half have been cannibalized and their flights are kept to a minimum to prevent them from wearing out. Also Iran did not have nearly the same level of sanctions Russia has now. They were able to funnel parts through places like Turkey, and yet still had problems keeping their planes

I’m agreeing with you.  Hes not saved, at all.  But he can not get his head chopped off.