Good luck, good ones are hard to come by in Japan these days because they are getting snapped up by importers to over price to Americans.
Good luck, good ones are hard to come by in Japan these days because they are getting snapped up by importers to over price to Americans.
Those in countries where these cars exist saw how R32 values exploded once that car could be imported to America where there was massive pent up demand. It has had a continual effect driving the prices way higher prior to the car being importable because they know Americans will hrow money at them. You used to be…
Any time someone refers to their car having something like a “Stage 2 Turbo” I want to punch them in the dick.
I had a Hertz rental for a month after an accident. They worked through my body shop. I dropped the car off there when I was done AT THEIR DIRECTION. 2 months later I get a call from Hertz asking where their car is. Fuck if I know guy, not my problem. Guy said he would need to charge me, I said good luck buddy go…
Yeah thats not true at all, Elon was instrumental in the design of the Roadster. Don’t get me wrong he is the reason they are so big, but mainly because between himself and the investors he lured in he was able to throw SO much money at it to build it into a more mainstream vehicle. But make no mistake, their vehicle…
You are correct
I don’t blame him. Having been to an auction that boost problem would not get picked up until after someone bought it, maybe not till after they got it home/to the dealer even!
Lets be clear Tesla DOES NOT make money selling electric cars. This is publicly available information in their financial statements. What they did manage to do is get enough investment to produce and sell enough cars that they built up a LOT of carbon credits which they sell to all the other major automakers to offset…
I just don’t believe you were in the industry at all with such an ignorant initial comment, there is just no way. GT3 cars are also a much different animal than GT4 (and obviously much further from production than GT4) there are a lot more GT3 exclusive parts and consumables that bring running costs up and are…
You don’t know much about race cars do you.... You can’t just go down to the Ford dealer with your Mustang GT4 and get the $29 oil change deal. You’re paying nearly the same price for either car, you choose based on which one fits your drivers strengths better (mid or front engine, engine power curve, suspension…
Correct none of those one make cars can run in GT4, they are all significantly faster for one.
McLaren 570S GT4 and the Mustang GT4 are both around $225k fully built. The 570S isn’t a supercar, and in GT4 its just one of the many cars in the series whom are performance balanced anyway so they are all competitive. Nobody gives a crap that their McLaren (or Porsche or whatever) got beat by a Mustang.
These cars are significantly different than GT4 (and faster).
A dealer that completely doesn’t understand WHY the Telluride is so hot right now (at MSRP its cheap for what you get, moron). There is no way someone is going to pay Mercedes GLS money for a KIA. Its not like its the hot new sports car, its a family SUV. Kids are gonna ruin the back seats, absent minded parents are…
An important part of this story that was left out, this happened last week and Mr Bauer had tried his hardest to remain anonymous. In fact most news stories mentioned this. Really just a humble hero.
Actually once the child is over 40lbs they should be using only the upper tether and factory seatbelt. That said this child being 2 years old is definitely nowhere near 40 lbs. The seat was definitely installed improperly, even if the latch failed the upper tether is meant to keep this exact event from happening.
Assuming you’re not just trolling you have a clearly incorrect understanding of that scene.
One thing that helped reduce some of my backlog is a change in my perspective. I used to ALWAYS finish a game. no matter what, unless I reached a point I straight up couldn’t get past, I’d ALWAYS finish. Now, I evaluate whether I’m really enjoying the game, and I’ll bail on it. I have limited game time, I’m not going…
I always thought this was a handsome car, and it and the XF were on my short list when looking at family oriented cars. But there was just nothing special or compelling about it to push me to even bother driving one. As you said at the beginning it was “car” from Jaguar.
Lotus is a bad example. There is literally a whole spinoff business focused on supporting vintage Lotus race cars.