
I own 2 Mercedes and an Alfa Romeo with touch screens on them, NONE have crashed on me while driving ever.  These people are fucking delusional, they sound like Apple shills.  I can’t wait until the mainstream luxury manufacturers have a larger selection of full electrics so they can crush this ponzi scheme once and

He has 2 wins in F2 this year and placed 5th ion the championship, he also came in 2nd and 3rd in F3 over a 2 year period. Hes no Hamilton but its not so easy to get a Superlicense these days. He legitimately has one. That said there are faster drivers than him out there, but he has way more credit than many past pay

Download the ESPN app, login with your cable service provider and you can watch the races live or on replay right on it. I moved during the last couple races of the year so my DVR was all messed up and I just watched them that way on my Roku, was perfect.

Maybe I’ll get hung for this but I burnt out on BoTW and I don’t think I’m going back.  Its too open, and its hard to know what you need to do, and its also hard to remember everything, lot of little intricacies, lots of backtracking, I don’t know maybe I’m nuts but I’m definitely not having fun, its just become a

Happened to me with Outer Worlds, I think I’m actually nearly at the end.  But the game became a downright chore to play.  I was like well I’m almost done, or I’ve put the time in already.  One day I finally said fuck this shit and I haven’t played since.  The combat is repetitive, the story I didn’t give a shit about

I got to do this on my 2010 Camaro SS. It was one of the first ones the dealer got (I ordered it a year in advance), I saw it get pulled off the truck. And driven inside the shop. I told the dealer “Don’t touch it, don’t even wash it. Put the plate on the back bumper and thats it.” They were more than happy to do less

How does one get 25 years old from a car released in 2001?

Running out of cars? Not here in NY, you should see the size of the side lots these guys have of inventory all over the place.

You did what we all did. My prior system being traded in funded every system I ever bought up to Playstation 2. Genesis -> Saturn (and a Japanese one at that!) - > Dreamcast -> PS2. After that I was more gainfully employed lol.

Your talk of grading reminds me of comic books. I have a small collection from the 90's when I was really into them. Some of these books are worth a little bit ($10-$20) but only if they are graded.

The grading process costs $25 per comic. So tell me again how the fuck its worth paying $25 to grade a comic worth $15

Agree, in about a week its going to get “leaked” that she is so-and-so influencer “using her global platform for peace”.  Nothing like trying to make yourself an “icon”.  Just be nice to black people, you don’t have to play white savior.

Agree, this dude is selling it in the wrong place if he wants people to overpay for it.

When car shopping for my wife Nissan was the only dealer we just walked the fuck out without talking to anyone. Checked out a pathfinder on the showroom floor. It looked and felt like junk, was priced worse than competitors, and to boot despite 5 sales people standing there scratching their asses not one came up and

Also Ferrari can do that since they were spun off to their own company, 66% of it is publicly owned, only 22% by FCA and the rest by the Ferrari family.

I love a good 12-15 hour tight narrative game. Charge me $39.99 for it instead of $59.99 and I’d probably buy more as I’d be more likely finish them and want to buy more.

“ Of course, the team has not won an F1 championship in 22 years” 

so 2008 when Lewis Hamilton won his first championship was 22 years ago???? Something does not compute there.......

No I don’t. There are just people who are other worldly. Its amazing how much of a difference some little things that are different every lap can add up. For example using the whole width of the track to turn less and keep a straighter line, or braking earlier so you can accelerate out of a corner earlier (depending

We have had a couple of “PRO iRACERS” apply and join in and proceed to be complete and total cunts about the whole thing and were summarily trashed on enough to leave.  I mean if you don’t “get it” why the fuck would you join a race league whose main website is 

IMO Option 3 is the only viable option to keep DTM alive and make it not yet another GT3 series. Don’t get me wrong I like GT3 racing but to your point there are almost too many ways to run it out there, DTM needs to be a bit more of a spectacle. If you can get the manufacturers to make some sedans to GT3 spec and use

The difference between PS4 games and Switch games should be clear. Switch runs at half the resolution of PS4, so all those textures in the game are significantly less detailed and significantly more compressed as the CPU and GPU of the switch are basically jacked up Phone specs. The PS4 is running basically older deskt